Chapter 31

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Dawson found Aiden in the kitchen just as Rosetta had said. He excused himself as he made his way to him, brushing up against a few women who were drinking iced tea and heavy in conversation.

Aiden nodded when he saw Dawson approach, a hint of surprise on his face.

"What are you doing here?"

Dawson shook his hand and brought him in for a quick man hug.

"Not that I'm not glad to see someone of the same sex," Aiden murmured.

Dawson leaned on the counter, looking around at the people who were there.

"So, what's this I hear about you being a watcher?" He hid a smirk. "Sounds a bit weird to me."

Aiden laughed lightly. "You have no idea, my friend."

"Actually I do. Grace just explained a lot on the way here," Dawson announced.

Aiden looked quickly at him. "Really? You'll have to fill me in on that later. For now, I've got some big problems on my hand."

Dawson cleared his throat. "You sure have jumped in head first with this one." He nodded forward to Scarlett who was speaking to Grace now.

Aiden followed his gaze. "Yes, I have indeed."

"You can tell me why later. I'm just itching to know how you let yourself get wrapped up in this hoodoo voodoo, whatever it is, stuff."

"You and me both, Dawson."

Dawson patted him on the back. "Once you figure that out," he lowered his voice then, "you'll have to tell me how she hooked you so fast. This is not like you to fall so quickly."

Aiden silently agreed. This was definitely not his MO. But there was something about this one that just stuck. "I realize that, but let's just say, she's growing on me."

Dawson laughed again. "I have to say, this may go down in the books. Aiden Connor, dating a Medium." He shook his head, clucking his tongue.

Aiden watched Scarlett through guarded lids. Dawson was right. This whole thing was just plain weird. He'd thought extensively on exactly how peculiar it was since he met her. He didn't want to fall in love with a woman who had issues, let alone someone who was a Medium. He didn't want this, he didn't need this high drama in his life. But no matter what that small voice said inside of him, the image of her, the feelings for her, could not be dismantled. He was captivated, and he craved for more.

"Any more sightings of that ghost we saw before on the porch?" Dawson looked anxiously around the room, and then spotted Grace who looked just as he felt.


"You can say that."

Scarlett came over then, a look of hesitance on her face. She stopped in front of the men.

"Well, hello stranger," she gave Dawson a hug and then looked earnestly at Aiden.

"This is crazy isn't it?"

She turned her head looking about at the women in her kitchen. At any moment she was expecting something to go amiss, and either Josephine to appear, or the house to simply flounder and fall thru a sinkhole into the earth.

"I'd have to concur," Dawson provided.

"They want to begin preparing outside," Scarlett said.

Aiden looked at his watch. "It's only five o'clock, Scarlett."

"Regina says that they need to walk the grounds before the night comes so they can get their bearings." She shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not going to argue with a priestess, Aiden."

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