Chapter 10

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"Scarlett, how are you doing over there?" Mr. Connor asked from the head of the table. He was cutting into the roast that Naomi made, and then taking a big bite, awaited her reply.

She wiped her mouth with the linen napkin, and then looked at him.

"Wonderful," she replied.

He winked, shaking his head. "Good. I'm glad you decided to come."

Naomi interrupted. "We wouldn't have it any other way, Scarlett." She reached for the gravy, continuing. "Do you have any family here?" her dark eyes searched Scarlett's.

Scarlett shook her head. "No. Both my grandparents have passed."

Naomi nodded slowly. There seemed to be a motherly understanding that was left unspoken between them.

Mr. Connor cleared his throat. "Well, you're more than welcome to come over anytime. After all, we're only a ten- minute drive from your place."

Scarlett smiled genuinely. "Thank you."

Mr. Connor gave a nod, and then proceeded. "I imagine you'll want the company from time to time. That house of yours is big for a little thing like you."

Scarlett swallowed. She sensed Aiden tense up. "Son, have you told Scarlett the story about her house?"

Aiden shook his head. "No, Dad, I haven't had the chance."

Mr. Connor laughed tightly, realizing his son wasn't pleased with the subject at all. But he wanted Scarlett to know. Perhaps it would convince the young girl to get the hell out, he thought.

"Well, you'll have to get around to it." Mr. Connor reached for the carrots, looking at Scarlett then. "I told you he has a hell of a story." Shaking his head slowly, he continued. "Aiden was a teenager when he experienced something at your place."

Aiden was clenching his jaw, all the while holding his beer in his right hand.

"I'll get around to it, Dad," Aiden said tightly.

Scarlett wanted to learn more, but certainly wasn't going to press the issue right now.

"Well, I'm stuffed," Naomi announced, leaning her chin on her hand, looking around her table.

So was Scarlett. Dinner finally wrapped up, and after pleasant conversation, both Finn and Erin began to clear the table.

Aiden pitched in also, declaring he wasn't washing anything, but he'd load the dishwasher. Naomi grabbed her wine glass, and the bottle, directing Scarlett to the front porch.

"Let's go have a bit of girl time," she announced, Sage joining them with the baby. There were rocking chairs on the porch, beckoning them to take a seat. Naomi sat down next to Scarlett with Sage on the other side.

The three of them were quiet, taking in the still of the night. The sound of the rocking chairs striking the floor was almost a fine melody.

Naomi put her hand on Scarlett's arm. "Cian told me you were all alone. I'm glad he had the common decency to invite you. You're about the same age as Sage, I imagine. He would want someone to do the same for her." She took her hand off of Scarlett, and leaned over to grab her wine glass.

The baby started to cry. Sage moved Willow to her shoulder, patting her back softly. "How old are you, Scarlett?"

Scarlett lifted a brow and then chuckled. "The ripe old age of twenty- nine."

Naomi and Sage both laughed. "Yep, you and I are the same age. Any men in your life?" Sage wiggled her eyebrows in jest.

Aiden stood by the screen door listening in. He didn't intend to eavesdrop, but his hand was on the door handle when he heard Sage ask if Scarlett was single. He paused, wanting to hear the answer.

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