Chapter 4

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The sound was deafening. The roar of its fierce call invading every molecule of her. Suddenly, Scarlett felt liquid fire around her neck. She reached up to clutch the locket, but her movements were slow as if a stone weighted her down. Haze, thick and damp itched at her senses, causing her to feel engulfed in a cloud of suffocation.

Her blood raced through her veins, her body lying motionless upon the wet grass.

The locket's heat was unbearable. Her mind willed her to get up and remove it, then suddenly everything ceased.

The wrath of the wicked storm had departed and the quiet was born again. So loud it caused fear to seize her. Chills struck at her spine. Someone or something was watching. She could feel the evil in the air. She sensed it deep within her.

Then laughter rang.

Wicked and mocking, slicing through the quiet. Then a voice was heard from a distance, gaining and attempting to take hold. The eye of the storm was now making its mark.

A woman's voice rattled through the air and collided with Scarlett.

Your destiny is here

With it comes your fear

In the moonlight and through your blood

The mark will be made with your love

The symbol of time, the mark of life

A covenant was made in the veil of night

Scarlett's skin tingled, her mind suddenly invaded with visions of blood and darkness. No, her mind screamed. Help me! Someone help me. She grabbed the locket that was now cold against her skin, and in her mind, tried to tune into the spirit that had made her presence known.

But all Scarlett could see was darkness. Whoever was making contact with her was preventing her from seeing truth — glimpsing into their past. Then the wind died and the air was suddenly calm. As instantly as it came, it had abruptly departed. Sweat formed on Scarlett's brow, her breathing was now heavy and winded. Her eyes looked around her and she saw nothing. No one was here. Not even the presence of the man.

There was nothing but the hush of day with her now.

"Oh, this is perfect," Scarlett said sarcastically. She quickly got up and attempted to look brave. Her dark hair had remnants of grass in it, and her favorite Levi's were now grass stained. "Great," she muttered to herself.

She thought of Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, clicking her heels and saying, "There's no place like home, there's no place like home." Except her home was falling apart, she had an unwelcomed guest, strange voices in the air, and she didn't own a pair of ruby slippers.

"Ugh," Scarlett said with exasperation. Her eyes surveyed the area again, looking over toward the thicket and beyond, but still, the silence was her only company. Many times she had encountered spirits, and many times she was frightened. But never had she felt evil before today. Never had she felt threatened.

She took two steps backward and then turned making her way back toward the house. She wanted to run. No, check that, she wanted to sprint. But she refused to look afraid. She would not show weakness. Blowing out a breath slowly, she made her way up over the hill. She glanced at her watch, noticing it was ten till the noon hour. Strange, it didn't seem like she just blew two hours. The workers should be about here, she thought. Scarlett found herself walking rather briskly back to the house, as if demons were at her heels.

The sun was still shining brightly in the morning sky, and regardless of what just transpired, she would move on with her day and accomplish something. She'd table everything until later. She caught herself having a deep desire to look back, yet a voice within her kept saying, "Keep going."

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