Chapter 16

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He watched her love him with her flesh. He stood in the hall absorbing the scene, revulsion finding its way into him. His energy was depleting day by day in this dimension of hell, till now. Instantly, he felt a gush of power surging through him that he felt alive again. He looked down at his hands and saw the veins bulge with the blood that once coursed through them.

He was angry. Angry that she couldn't remember. Enraged that her body was with another. God, how he wanted her still. The centuries passed by slow, but still, he did not find rest. He was still plagued with the past and the memory of their life together. He was consumed by the wrongs never righted, and the love he still longed for.

Damn her...

He felt a hand upon his shoulder then. "Remember, William... It is not Veronica that you see, but Scarlett who is here now. Although Veronica's soul is within her, recollection remains an abyss of dark," Louisa whispered in his ear.

She was his friend, his companion through all these years. Both confined in an unparalleled truth.

But still he stood, abhorring what he saw. Loathing that there was nothing he could do to cease it. She caressed him with wild abandon, ignorant that he watched. He soared to the kitchen then, dominating the small space. Louisa remained in the hall, filled with pity for him.

"Do they not see me?" he screamed.

Louisa shook her head softly to him. "Let us go now. There is a time and a place for everything,William."

But he could not. Whatever blood flowed through her now, he didn't care. It was the soul that mattered. She was his wife. His lover. The mother of his child. God damn it, remember me, he screamed inside. This was unbearable. He'd rather hang again than to witness this.

"I warned her to leave. Now she will parish, Louisa," his voice shook.

"How much am I to take? Alive or dead, I am still tortured!"

Louisa turned and left him, fading away down the hall, aware that his rage would emerge.

The sounds of the lovers intensified, as Aiden lifted Scarlett up against the refrigerator. Her legs circling his waist, her hands stroked his hair. William's heart bled. This was his woman, his lover. He didn't give a damn what century they were in now.

William touched the glass on the table, feeling the cold upon his palm. He tightened his grip, seeing his hand fade through it. He grasped it tighter, and with all the anguish brewing inside of him and all the sorrow he carried in his soul, he pitched it against the wall.

The sound of the glass shattering caused Aiden and Scarlett to pause immediately.

Slowly then, Aiden placed her feet back on the ground. They both turned their heads and saw the remnants of glass upon the floor.

"Oh my God," Scarlett whispered.

William still lingered, standing behind Aiden. His presence demanding some recognition. Anything... Something that showed she felt him there.

"Look at me," he voiced with pain. "See me, damn it."

Scarlett heard the voice, amidst the heavy breath's she and Aiden took. It was hanging on the air with a grave plea. She had heard it before. She was familiar with the sound of it.

"Did you hear that?" Scarlett asked, searching Aiden's eyes.

Aiden's hand was still on the small of her back, but his focus was on the wall that had tea streaming from it, and then to the floor where the shards of glass scattered about.

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