Chapter 30

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The wait seemed to inhabit Storm's Light. It settled in like a cold winter, beating at your bones — almost enough to drive a sane person crazy. The day in the copse with Aiden seemed so long ago when really it had only been a week. Scarlett sat in her kitchen with a hot cup of tea, scanning through her long-forgotten emails.

Aside from the memory of that day, she was alone. At least for now, while Aiden was outside on a call, Scarlett relished her time. He had barely left her side since the counsel of Regina on that afternoon.

Scarlett sighed out, closing her eyes, the memory, fresh as morning.

Words from Regina turned into worry for both Aiden and Scarlett, and the threat of Josephine was evermore. The days had passed slowly at the house, and they were on guard, even in sleep. But still, nothing...

Not a sign of her or anything of the supernatural. Aiden wanted the two of them to leave since they found the jeu-jeu doll, but Scarlett was not going to yield. She would stay and wait for the day of reckoning to arrive.

And it had...

The moon would be at its fullest tonight. This night, lies would become truths, and the chapter would close.

Or so she hoped...

Aiden came to the kitchen then, moving to the fridge, taking out the orange juice. Scarlett noted he fit well with her life, and it seemed that both were quite comfortable with one another. In such a quick amount of time too, she noted.

She smiled at him and then continued on with her task of emails. School would be starting up before she knew it, and work would be sending out their notifications of teacher workday reminders.

It would be nice to have a girl weekend before the reality of work and its obligations come to pass. Grace and her had vowed to take a chic trip before the end of summer. Scarlett needed to shoot her an email reminder, and she'd do so right now. Distraction is what she needed. Anything to keep her mind occupied from the ambiguous outlook of this evening.


While Scarlett was doing just that, Grace sat in her office, a box with four walls, really. It reminded her of the emergency room, with its dull blue color and hospital-like feel. No decor, no sense of style, just a stale environment she had to place herself in to make money. She was currently on the phone with Bobby who had just put her on a brief hold.

He called her when she was going nuts looking for an important document for work, and now the man had to drive her even more crazed by putting her on hold. She held the phone with one hand, all the while frantically searching with the other.

"Hey, you still there?" his voice broke the silence.

She huffed out. "Of course. What did you find?" She put one file down while grabbing another that was on top of the other huge pile on her desk. She never claimed to be organized. Her cheek was pressed to her shoulder harnessing her cell.

"I can't believe I missed this before. It must have been one of those days when I was knee-deep in research. Hell, I'm surprised I even remembered my name that week with all that was going on. You remember those days, right Grace?"

She rolled her eyes. "Bobby, land your point, man. I'm desperately searching for something here, and if I don't locate it in the next microsecond, I'm doomed."

He laughed. "Still haven't surrendered to organization, huh?"

"You're killing me, Bobby. What did you find?"

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