Chapter 2

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Scarlett had fainted...

The locket had fallen to the floor, rolling on the hardwood, and then landing inches away from her. The sound of it striking the ground echoed throughout the empty hallway. Its silver was tarnished, yet it still maintained beauty. The hinge to it was unfastened, revealing what had startled her.

Within its heart, rested a photograph that was aged and weathered.

Unlike the silver that encircled it, the picture itself was crinkled and stained from time. The images were difficult to distinguish, yet if you looked closely, the resemblance of the woman depicted was strikingly identical to Scarlett. The woman's eyes were piercing, as if they spoke to you through the photo itself. They were almond- shaped, and a raging fire seemed to burn deep within their soul.

Other than the steady breaths Scarlett took, the house was empty of sound. Her lean form sprawled quite elegantly upon the edge of the Turkish rug that lay in the hall outside the bedroom. The air was heavy, as if it was weighted down with something the eyes could not see. She was finally gathering her senses. Her eyes fluttered open, and immediately her brow furrowed with question. Her hair was disheveled, causing her to absently push it away from her face.

She was understandably confused and admittedly anxious. Fear was absent, but her ability to run if needed wasn't. She leaned upon her elbows and looked around her. There was still light beaming in from the windows upstairs and downstairs. She blew out a breath of relief and stood.

"All right, I think I just saw Casper," she said to herself sarcastically. Her voice dominated the air, vibrating off the empty walls. She looked to the stairwell to the right, and then to the master suite. The door was still open, causing her to retreat with small steps backward. Thank God Grace would be here momentarily. Where was she anyway? she thought.

She turned away and instantly heard another sound. Footsteps walking upon the wood. The floors creaked with complaint, and Scarlett knew someone or something was approaching. They grew near. She could feel the pulse of it vibrate under her. Heavy whispers licked the air again, piercing the silence with a constant hum.

A fear suddenly slithered its way into her being. Dread ripped through her heart.

A mist arrived, not smoldering, nor heavy, but sheer and bare.

The man she had seen minutes before now stood inches from her. His eyes were a sky blue; solemn and beseeching her, beholding her own. Blue clashed with green. They held her where she stood, and the warmth from his gaze unexpectedly comforted her somehow. His arm reached out to her. His hand extended, silently beckoning. Her mind raced, but no words escaped her. The man spoke, his voice familiar to her.

Destiny has brought you here, but here you will perish.

You must leave before the mark has been made.

Run Veronica.

Run from this hell.

Dear God help me. Please help me! Scarlett's mind reeled.

But to no avail. She was unable to move, unable to cry out. Her boots remained planted in their place. The doorbell rang then, and the man that was before her, vanished. Scarlett gasped with relief, and ran down the flight of stairs without care, only to crash into Grace.

"Whoa, my friend," Grace said with laughter. "You look like you have been plowed down by a bulldozer."

Grace proceeded down the foyer, heading to the kitchen, only to leave Scarlett standing there speechless. Scarlett closed the front door, almost wanting to grab on to it for dear life. Still dumbstruck, Scarlett walked slowly through the foyer, trailing her friend.

Grace was already unpacking the goodies she had brought. "I picked up some wine for us tonight. I figured you would need it after buying this dump."

Grace searched the cupboards and then produced two red Dixie cups. "This will have to do." She peered in another cabinet. "Still not unpacked yet, I see."

Scarlett still said nothing, only took the cup that was handed to her, tapping it to Grace's.

"To your new home," Grace smiled. "May the force be with you," she chuckled and looked around her in disgust, taking a swig of the cheap wine.

Scarlett thought, if you only knew my friend.

Authors Note:

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