Chapter 24

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"This is definitely not ideal," Scarlett muttered aloud, and then turned, leaving the field, heading back to her truck. This was becoming more than what she felt she could bear. She looked back once again and saw nothing but the bareness of the vast pasture. Her steps sunk into the dampness of the ground, leaving her boot prints behind her.

She walked more quickly then, finally reaching her truck; starting the ignition and leaving without another glance back. Her pulse was elevated, and she bit the inside of her cheek from anxiousness. She was to meet Grace in town to shop, but she just may have to change the plans. She knew exactly where she needed to head to, and Grace would probably find it to be more stimulating than a new pair of jeans.

Scarlett quickly called Grace, explaining to her what just occurred and that she would be there later than expected. The details, Grace would drill out of her later, but for the ride there she would peacefully examine the words from Veronica.

Twenty minutes later, she arrived in town, and pulled to the side of the street where Grace was standing and talking on her cell. She waved, acknowledging Scarlett, walking over to the parked truck in her three-inch heels.

"Why are you all dolled up for a shopping trip?" Scarlett asked raising her brow, noticing how high her heels were. "Don't you ever wear sneakers?"

"Well, you never know who you're going to meet," Grace said, climbing in the truck. "Plus, this is the style now."

She buckled her seat belt. "Skinny jeans and heels, baby."

Scarlett laughed, leaving the small parking space. "Visions of Def Leopard and Bon Jovi days are running through my head."

Pulling on to the road she added. "Now all you need is parachute pants and some aqua net hairspray."

"Laugh all you want. I like my style. Maybe you need to adopt some of it. It would be absolutely wonderful to see you in a pair of heels every now and again." She shook her head. "You are a woman, you know. Women do wear heels, not just cowgirl boots," Grace stated.

She sighed. "Where are we headed?"

Scarlett gripped the wheel a little tighter. "To Regina's."

Grace looked over quickly, surprise evident in her eyes. "Okay... What happened? You were so brief when you called earlier."

Scarlett shook her head, sighing loudly. "Let's just say I have had it with ghosts. And Regina needs to hear what Veronica said to me in the cattle field today."

"That's what that smell is." Grace rolled the window down slightly. "Alright, spill it."

"I met her." Scarlett shook her head, still trying to process it. "Veronica," Scarlett voiced. "I had a full-on dialogue with the woman —"

"You mean ghost," Grace corrected.

Scarlett moved her hand in the air dismissing her. "Okay, ghost. And it was revealing enough for me to call on Regina."

She looked over to Grace who was shaking her head. "Josephine was apparently pregnant with William's baby, and that was what pushed her over the edge."

Grace raised her brows. "That's it? There has to be more to the story than just that. Did your friend tell you anything else?" Grace grabbed her purse, searching the pits of it for a piece of gum.

"She isn't my friend." Scarlett lifted her shoulder and cringed at the reference. "I'm not exactly sure what she is, but one thing is for certain, we look almost identical." She shuddered. "That was a bit eerie."

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