Chapter 12

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Scarlett got ready for bed. She decided to don her most unattractive set of pajamas. She knew that she wouldn't dare leave the room with these suckers on. She had to admit, the good looks of Aiden certainly had temptation knocking at her morals. She now lay in bed, ankles crossed, staring at the night through her open window. The sweet scent of grass and the chirps of crickets drifted through them. The bliss of summer was finally setting in.

She wondered for a moment if Aiden had kept his windows open. Scarlett shook her head on the pillow and closed her eyes. The man was a habitual bossy person, she thought. But Lord, was he ever a handsome one at that. She closed her eyes attempting to succumb to sleep.

She needed her mind to rest, her thoughts to clear. She was troubled by the warning tonight. Typically, when she encountered spirits, they were trying to finish things on this dimension, like an investigation of sorts. She helped them, not the other way around. Now she felt a powerful pull that she didn't comprehend.

Seeing this woman that Aiden recommended, may be the answer. How in the hell did he get so involved, and so quickly, she asked herself. She was an independent woman for God's sake. Scarlett turned in bed, grabbing another pillow. Maybe the key is to do a blessing on the house, and then she can move on with her life. She drifted off to sleep with that thought in her mind. Only the steady breathing of Scarlett was heard, along with the ticking of her bedside clock. She dreamed deeply now, the shadows of night settling in.

He stood at the foot of the bed watching her, just like he did when he was alive. Her hair fanned the white pillow, and he was overcome with the deep desire to touch it, to feel it within his palm. He loved her... Loved her then, and he loved her now. Her physical form was only slightly different than before, but his Veronica lay within her. Her soul finally found him again.

He walked over to the side of the bed; saw her chest rise and fall with the breaths she took. He warned her to leave, to escape the fate that was delivered to him. Now she must fight for the life she now has. Fight an evil that he didn't understand himself. He turned and walked toward the window, glancing at the moonlit lawn.

He ached to feel the earth under his feet again. Just to feel a breeze upon his face and to breathe the night air, would be satisfying. How could he help her, he asked himself, looking back at her still form. He was blind to the trickery when he was alive. How could he save her when he was nothing but a trapped soul himself?

He walked to her again with dread in his dead heart. He wanted to hold her — make love to her. He would have given an eternity trapped here so she wouldn't have to face the wrath of revenge. He leaned over her then, placing his lips upon her cheek, yearning to feel the heat of her flesh under them. He lay next to her upon the bed until dawn approached, then he left through the open window, proceeding to his place of rest.

Morning came quickly, it seemed. Scarlett rose with a fresh mind and in a great mood. She showered and got dressed for the day, selecting a pair of light blue jeans and a white linen peasant top with her favorite boots. Perfect for today's outing, as the temp was only going to be in the seventies. She opened her bedroom door and noticed Aiden's was still shut. She walked downstairs, noting the aroma of coffee.

She crested the kitchen and saw Aiden sipping a cup of it while talking on his phone. He looked up and nodded, acknowledging her presence. The man certainly made himself at home, Scarlett thought. She poured herself a cup and listened in on Aiden's conversation. She watched him while he sat at the table discussing his work. She suddenly found herself wondering what his occupation was.

"Sorry about that. I needed to clear up a couple things before my meeting."

Scarlett swallowed her coffee. "No big deal."

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