Chapter 5

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The beat of Scarlett's heart did not sway, nor was fear unearthed. Scarlett felt at ease and sensed that this spirit was gentle. She heard the knock of the door once again and her eyes quickly diverted in that direction.

"I will bring you no harm. Surely you know this." The voice was soft and quiet, yet held conviction.

Scarlett walked a small step forward and looked upon the spirit that was now in her home. Thoughts raced through her mind like knives across stone. Why all of a sudden are these spirits attempting to make a connection with her? It had been years since this happened, and years since she had buried it. This gift was a curse and one that she would always condemn.

Their eyes met again, and for a moment's breath, Scarlett was certain that she knew these eyes. As if she had glanced into them before. She shook it off, walking toward the door. Her footsteps were loud upon the wood now. Frustration was finding a home in her again.

"I truly do feel like I am on Star Trek," Scarlett scoffed.

The knock on the door came again. "I'm coming!" She glanced behind her and the woman still stood, unmoving. Waiting...

Scarlett stopped and turned her head. "I'm going to get this, so if you feel you need to poof away or whatever, that's fine by me."

Scarlett opened the front door, taking notice of the old doorknob and that it was cold to touch. The bright of the day came upon her as she greeted Mr. Connor.

"Hello, Ms.Calvin," he offered, extending his hand. Scarlett shook it, placing her other hand on top of his.

She smiled at him, moving aside so he could come in. He immediately looked around, surveying all the renovations needed. When she met him a few months ago he was very upfront with her about all the costs associated with purchasing an older home, especially one that needed this much repair. She liked him from the start. He was an older man with silver hair and kind blue eyes.

He not only had excellent credentials for this line of renovation, but he was as honest as they come. It just clicked with Scarlett, so she hired him on the spot. He walked toward the ballroom, and Scarlett nearly fell over. She glanced about, noting the lady ghost was gone. Mr. Connor was looking at the ceiling, taking note of the stains that were growing by the hour.

"Seems to be getting worse, Ms.Calvin."

Scarlett looked up. "Yes, I know." She smiled with hesitance. "Please call me Scarlett."

Letting out a breath of his own, he tapped his clipboard. He noticed she was a bit on edge. "Well, Jimmy will fix it right up for you." He glanced at his watch. "He should arrive in the next half hour or so. He had a job in town he had to tend to first."

He walked toward the front door and paused. "I realize this may be out of line but I feel I need to ask you anyway."

Scarlett cocked her head, awaiting his question.

"Do you know the history that this house comes with?"

Scarlett's brow shot up. "Other than it's old as dirt and needs a lot of work, no I don't."

He nodded and opened the door then. Outside his men still stood by their trucks talking, awaiting direction. He stepped onto the porch, leaving Scarlett to watch from inside.

She overheard him dictating what needed to get done. There were five workers total, and one, in particular, must have been no older than twenty. He was the last to follow the group inside.

He smiled shyly at Scarlett, and then walked toward the porch, pausing before the first step. He looked up at the house and signed the cross upon his chest before his boot struck the wood. Scarlett didn't know how to react. He simply walked by her without another glance, and into her home. Mr. Connor made his way back toward her then.

"Sorry you had to see that." He joined her on the porch and continued. "Chris is a bit superstitious."

"No worries, Mr. Connor." She looked directly at him and smiled, lifting a shoulder and casting it off as if it didn't matter. But it did. It bothered her that a stranger would do that.

Scarlett could hear that they already had begun to head to the areas of work in the house. The sound of men talking, tools being placed on the floor and drills being tested for strength. Construction was finally underway.

"May I ask why your worker felt compelled to do that?" Her voice was calm and professional, yet held a bit of annoyance. "Not that I am against religion, just curious as to why he felt that was necessary when going to work. I don't live in a church, Mr. Connor."

He laughed and looked at her. "I'd have to agree with you there." He leaned against the rail and crossed his arms. "But this house is cursed."

Scarlett's reaction was none other than sheer surprise. Haunted, well yes. Cursed, well that's a whole other ball of wax. All she could muster was a faint reply. "Come again."

Mr. Connor chuckled. "You heard me right." He nodded firmly. "Cursed."

His cell rang and he immediately hit the silencer, and then looked at her again.

"My grandmother told me the story of this house when I was a young boy, and I hadn't stepped a foot into it until I met you. There is a history here that you would be best to learn about quickly. We southerners like a good tale, but the one that comes from this place would make any normal person run."

She blinked. "Well, will you tell me the story?"

Authors Note:

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