Chapter 11

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Scarlett was alarmed. She saw the look of Aiden's eyes, and that alone caused panic to rise. As a Medium she knew instantly why he was calling her over to him. She had felt the presence, even before she heard him call out her name. The pull and call from the spirit was thick, filled with electricity, chills taking shape on her arms. The presence didn't seem threatening, but she could feel its heavy layer upon her. She heard its silent voice beckoning.

Aiden was holding out his hand, signaling her to move faster. But Scarlett couldn't move any further. She shook her head softly to Aiden, and then touched her finger to her mouth. "Shhh."

This spirit held no threat. It was the presence she had seen in the ballroom — the lady with the dark eyes. She couldn't help the fast beat of her heart, nor the dread that lay deep within it. This encounter was unexpected, and she felt vulnerable with Aiden behind her. He really is going to think she is crazy after this, she thought.

Aiden did not take his eyes off the apparition. A calm storm of disbelief and belief, churned inside of him. He walked over to Scarlett, standing nearly on top of her. His hands gripped the chair behind her, and both stood facing something that Aiden thought he would never see again. A ghost... His mind reeled, and he was angry. Angry that he put himself in this situation again, and damn angry that this woman was in the mix of it.

Aiden leaned in and whispered into Scarlett's ear. "You're seeing this, right?" He had to confirm it.

"Yes," Scarlett spoke quietly, but did not steal her eyes away from the spirit before her.

Aiden clenched his jaw. "Good," he quipped. "Then you can deal with me telling you I told you so, later."

The ghost stood with her back to the front windows. Aiden glanced at the glass, noticing that he could see a reflection there. Just as a human would create such, so has this spirit. As his grandmother had warned him, this is true unhallowed ground. And he was a fool for not listening.

The spirits voice fractured the air.

You must listen to my voice, and take my words to heart.

Many moons ago a spell was cast, a charm that was placed through anger and hate.

You, Veronica, were the heart of that.

Your soul has carried centuries, and it has now found home.

She drifted before them, her head bowed down in deep thought.

Though your memory has faded, your gift will help you remember.

You must remember...

She rests now within the earth, within her grave, but the moon is young. Take heed. She comes when dark has truly found the night. Her magic is strong. Much stronger than my own. You died then, and you will die once again.

The spirit looked at Aiden then, pointing to him.

Now you have brought him. His blood carries the same line that she detests.

Both of you will become trapped in the same purgatory. He warned you to leave, but you did not listen. She must be stopped, and you hold the key. She knows you're here, and she grows more restless awaiting the next full moon.

She ceased moving then, slowly assessing them both, then wafted ever closer to Scarlett.

Veronica lives within you, and you within her.

The power to stop this evil is within the very soul that resides in you.

Find the secret so we may finally rest.

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