The life

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Toby's POV
I was sitting at my desk in rosewood finishing and packing up my stuff at the police station to go to Maine which I'm still not sure I want I do but then a little girl, maybe 5 years old comes running in. I walk up to her.
"Hi are you lost?" I say.
"No I'm looking for Toby Cavanaugh I need to find Toby Cavanaugh."
She says frantically.
"I'm Toby Cavanaugh." I say confused why this little girl wanted to talk to me.
" I'm am Amy Drake and I was kidnapped with Spencer Hastings. She told me to go to Rosewood and find you and give you this." She says pulling out a paper.
"Read." She demands.
While I'm reading it I want to believe this little girl but can I really trust her. But there is something about her that I automatically
"Come to my office and tell me everything." I say.
"I was kidnapped a month ago and it was about two weeks ago when Spencer appeared and helped me escape. She told me I had to find you and help you find her before he kills her." Her words hit me like a rocket 'before he kills her'.
I immediately stand up and say "You are showing me where Spencer is."
"We where in Philly." She says.
"Philly is only two hours away," I say "but I can get there faster."

Spencer's POV
"What have you done." Ian says.
"I had to save Amy she's to young and innocent to have to be kidnapped."
"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA OF WHAT YOU'VE DONE," Ian says "Your going to pay for this."

I dodge him and run out of the room even though I have a gunshot wound and just got immature surgery done on me I was surprised by how fast I was. But I didn't make it very far. I don't know how Ian just pulls guns out of thin air but he does. (I know in the earlier chapter I said Ian shoot her in the leg but I deleted that so can we pretend that never happened😂)

But I hear the familiar sound of gun shots echo in my ear. But this time everything doesn't go black. I just feel pain in my leg. I start dragging myself away from Ian, a trail of blood behind me. I hear Ian walking behind me. I try to get up but it's useless. I think of Toby how I would rather be in his arms. Hanna who I would gladly rather her talk about Caleb in front of me than this. How I would rather clean my room, which I hate doing than this. I keep thinking what did I do to deserve this. What could I possibly do. I always tried my best to be the best person I can be but out of all the people in the world I was choose this life. The life of fear. I realized I'm giving up. Giving up on the people who need me. I was chosen the life of laughs. The life of friend who will always be there for me. And the life of love.

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