Bye Bitches

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Toby's POV
Hanna and Wren appear right in front of us. I knew whatever plan Spencer had wasn't going to work so I grab her and and run back through the Brew. The Brew is closed right now so there's no one in here. We run back into the kitchen and hide in the pantry.

"What are you doing? What about my dad?" Spencer whispers.

I pull out my phone and dial 911 and say "we are in the Brew and Hanna Marin is here and so is Wren Kingston and both of them where the people who kidnapped Spencer Hastings."

Spencer was about to say something but then I put my hand over her mouth to shut her up because I hear both Wren and Hanna trying to find us.

I start to hear sirens coming closer and closer to us. I hear police officers running into the Brew. Me and Spencer come out of hiding and see Wren and Hanna in hand cuffs being dragged off.

"You really thought we would've fallen into your trap." Spencer says as they get into the police car.

Me and Spencer walk back out to the ally and walk toward the car Wren and Hanna came from. We open up the trunk of the car and see Spencer's dad tied up with duck tape over his mouth. He's still alive and we're lucky. Spencer walked him over to the paramedics and then walked back over to me.

"Thank you." She says.

"Don't ever risk you life again." I say.

"Look I didn't-" She starts to say but I cut her off.

"You could have died Spencer. I think about you every day. When I text you and you don't respond I'm scared your kidnapped and lying in a ditch somewhere. Today you just walked into a trap. I can't live my life without you Spencer. If you ever died I would die. So don't ever do that again. I love you Spencer Hasting so much. I need you alive so when we're 80 I can hold you hand and say that we made it"

I said last chapter I was going to update tomorrow but I ended up not updating for week oops.

(Read this its funny but has profanity)
When I was writing "he had duck tape over his mouth" and I read over it autocorrected to "he had dick taped over his mouth" and I laughed so hard idk why but I had to share that. (sorry about the language I don't cuss in real life)

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