Better together

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Toby's POV
Me and Spencer start watching Grey's Anatomy and she keep complaining that I spoiled what happens in the season finale. I watch her intensely watching and commenting on every dumb thing one of the characters do. I smile because of how cute she is. She looks over at me and sees that I'm staring at her.
"What?" She says
"Nothing your just really funny when you yell at the characters."
"Well I wouldn't be yelling at Jackson if he would just take April back." She says and I laugh. Then the doctor walks in and takes Spencer's ice cream bowl and says she cans leave and hands Spencer crutches and I could tell by Spencer's face that this was going to be a long week. I look over and I see Spencer's eyes start to close.
"Are you tired?" I ask
"A little." She says stretching.
"You can sleep for a while."
"By the way there's a blanket in the back seat." I say.
"Why?" Spencer says .
"For long car rides."
"But this is a police car." She says with a soft chuckle. It was the first time I've heard her laugh I two months. I smile so big. When we get to Spencer's house Spencer is still sleeping so I pick her up bridal style and carry her to her room. I laid her down and tuck her in and then I go to the living room and wait for her to wake up.
Spencer's POV
I wake up in my own house. It's so weird being back because while I was kidnapped I missed things I never thought I would miss. Washing my own clothes, making my own bed and choosing what food I want to eat then making it. I walk down stairs not remembering when I got upstairs. I see someone on the couch and at first I am scared but then I realize it's Toby.
"Good morning sunshine." He says sarcastically hinting my bead head.
"Today can we see my mom?" I ask avoiding eye contact because I don't want him to see that I'm about to cry.
"Yah of course." He says holding my hands and pulling me down so I am sitting on the couch and I'm eye level with him.
"Hey Spence it's ok to cry when you with me." He says while wiping one of my tears off my cheek. He starts to lean in to hug me but then his phones rings. He looks at the caller id and says
"I'm sorry but I have to take this." He says and goes outside. While he was on the phone I start to scroll through my 2 months worth of Instagram.
He walks back in with a smile on his face. He runs up to me and lifts me onto my feet and grabs me and kisses me passionately. I don't hesitate to kiss back then I break it apart and say "Aren't you with Yvonne?
"I broke up with her. I love you. I have always loved you and I will never no matter what, love someone more than you."
I push him down on the couch and start kissing him. He tries to take my shirt off but I push him off. This couldn't go any farther because then he would see my scars.
"Omg Spencer I'm so sorry I didn't realize-" I cut Toby off
"It's fine."
We both sit there in silence for a minute.
"I love you too by the way." I say and we both smile at each other.

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