Long Live The Dead

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Aria's POV
We all stood there waiting for Spencer. All of us kept checking to time over and over again. We hear the church bell ring and people start to fill into the church.

"Toby we need to go." Emily says.

"Let's wait five more minutes." He says.

"Toby she's not coming." Caleb says.

"I knew I should of picked her up, I new it." He says.

"Come on Toby it's 5:15 the funeral was supposed to start 15min ago."

"Look I'm going to go get her she shouldn't be alone." He says walking to his car and we all walk into the church to mourn the dead. Ryan.

Spencer's POV
I walk into the ally behind the apple rose grill.
It's exactly 5 o'clock and Hanna is no where to be found. When she shows up she will have no idea what's coming for her. I hid the gun in the back of my shirt. I check the time over and over again waiting for her to show up. I hear the door that leads into the ally door open. I walk slowly to the door and I grab my gun out of my back pocket and get ready. I look behind me to be sure there is no one behind me and when I look back I scream and both me and the person jump back.

I scream at him.

"I came to find you." He said.

"No you have to leave" I said "now!!"

"Spencer what is happening are you ok?"

"No, Toby, I'm not. Ryan was murdered and you need to leave before my my dad is too." I say, shock covers his whole face.

"Spencer I'm not leaving you ever and I'm not letting you dad die ever."

"I'd like to see you try." Someone says and we both turn around to see the two worst people I've ever meet.

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