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"I don't want to do that."

Camila huffs. "Why not?"

"I'm not good at it." Lauren glances at her from over the top of her book and shrugs. "I want to stay here and read my book."

"Lo," Dinah sits down on the lounge chair Lauren is sat on, "come in the pool. Please? Just for a few minutes?"

"I don't want to," Lauren doesn't look up from her book this time. "I'm not a very good swimmer."

"You have a pool in your back yard. You have plenty of time to practice." Camila points out, perching on the other side of Lauren's lounge chair. "Just five minutes. Ally didn't want to come in either, but now she's having loads of fun."

Lauren looks over her book at Ally, who is chasing Normani around the pool. "I want to read my book. I don't like swimming because I'm not good at it."

"You don't have to be good at it to have fun with us, Ralph," Dinah rolls her eyes, "besides, I'm sure we can find some armbands somewhere if you're that worried about drowning."

"Leave me alone," Lauren turns over a page in her book, "I don't want to swim. I want to read my book."

"You're so boring sometimes, Lauser," Dinah replies with an overdramatic huff, "but fine. Whatever. Walz and I will go and have fun. Bye."

With that, Dinah walks back towards the pool and jumps in, making sure to splash Ally and Normani as much as she can. Camila, however, stays with Lauren and gently touches a hand to her girlfriend's leg. "Are you sure you don't want to swim, Lolo?"

"Uh-huh," Lauren hums and picks up her phone, plugging her earphones in. "I want to read my book. But I'm not boring, Dinah is lying, I'm lots of fun to spend time with. I just want to read right now."

"I know you're not boring, Lo," Camila laughs, "I've hung out with you plenty of times, like on our dates. The girls just don't want you to feel left out."

"But I don't," Lauren finally puts her book down and glances up at Camila, but the younger Latina doesn't get to see her eyes, as they're hidden behind her sunglasses. "I like reading. Maybe when I've finished I'll come in and play with you guys. But I don't feel left out."

"Okay, as long as you're sure." Camila pauses for a second before tugging on the sleeve of Lauren's black sweater. "Aren't you hot in this? I'm too hot and I'm only in my bikini."

Lauren looks Camila over with flushed cheeks and then shakes her head. "Um, I like wearing sweaters. They're nice and cuddly and I love it when they're big on me."

"You didn't answer my question," Camila points out with a small smile, "I've noticed that you do that sometimes. I ask you a question and you ramble about something else."

"Oh, um... I'm sorry," Lauren apologises and starts fiddling with the sleeve of her sweater. "I don't mean to do it."

"I didn't say it was a bad thing, Lolo," Camila replies, "I was just making an observation. I think it's cute."

"You think I'm cute?" Lauren repeats with a small smile. "Why? Is it because you're my Camz?"

"I guess it's partially because of that, but mostly you're just adorable and anyone with eyes can see it," Camila shrugs, not sure if Lauren took her compliment in the right way. "But yeah, aren't you too hot in that big sweater?"

"A little," Lauren plays with the hem of her sweater and sends Camila a shy smile, "I don't want to take it off, though. This is my favourite sweater. I love it."

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