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"Happy autistic pride day!"

Lauren smiles when she feels arms wrap around her waist, and she's incredibly happy, because Lucy never used to hug her, but now she always gets a hug when they meet up.

"Yes," Lauren nods and rocks on her heels as Lucy pulls back, giving her a fist bump as usual, "happy autistic pride day, Lucy. Is Vero with you?"

"She's bringing a cake in." Lucy tells her. "Is Camila here?"

"She's in the lounge watching TV with Ally." Lauren says, pointing towards the door. "You can go through and say hi to them, I'll help Vero."

"Alright then." Lucy hugs her again and snuggles her face into Lauren's neck. "I missed you, Lo. I haven't seen you for ages."

"You saw me at art class," Lauren points out, tapping out a pattern on Lucy's back. "On Wednesday."

"Yes, but I haven't hung out with you for ages." Lucy retorts, smiling when Vero walks in carrying a cake in her hands. "We made the cake ourselves. It's vanilla how you like it."

"Thank you!" Lauren smiles and takes the cake from Vero. "I'll put it in the kitchen for us to have later."

As Lucy and Vero make their way into the lounge, Lauren drops the cake off in the kitchen, and she's about to follow them in when there's another knock on the front door and she opens it to see Dinah and Normani.

"Hey, Lauser," Dinah greets her with a grin, "happy autism pride day. We didn't get you a present."

"Our attendance is present enough," Normani adds with a teasing smile, pulling her in for a hug. "How are you?"

"I'm really good," Lauren rocks on her heels, "today is a good day, I think. Thank you for coming to mine and Lucy's pride day."

"Anything for our bestie," Normani says as she pulls away, "right, babe?"

Dinah turns bright red at the nickname and Lauren has to hold back her laugh. "Yeah. Anything for you, Ralph."

Lauren leads them into the lounge and announces, "Norminah is here!" before crossing over to the couch Camila and Ally are sat on, squishing in between them so she can sit by her girlfriend. "So- um... Lucy? Do you want to say anything? About Asperger's, I mean."

Lucy clears her throat, and Lauren kind of tunes out a bit, because Camila has pulled her onto her lap and started giving her tummy rubs, and that always distracts her. Lauren's head is buried in Camila's chest, and she's listening to her girlfriend's heartbeat as Camila's fingers, calloused from guitar playing, trace patterns along her stomach.

"Hey, Camren," Dinah gets Lauren's attention, "you're going to like this. Mani and I are officially together."

Lauren looks up with a frown. "I thought that happened ages ago."

"No, Laur," Normani laughs, "we've been going out on dates for a while, but after our date last night, Dinah officially asked me to be her girlfriend."

"Oh," Lauren's eyes widen in realisation. "Okay then. I'm happy for you guys."

"Our plan worked, Lo," Camila grins, "we were successful captains. Ally, you're next."

"Y'all don't need to help me," Ally says, "I'm fine being single. But I'm happy for you guys."

Lauren nudges Camila in the side. "You stopped rubbing my belly."

"Oh, sorry," Camila resumes again and Lauren smiles to herself, kissing her girlfriend's cheek. "Didn't realise that belly rubs were so demanding."

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