Sixty Two.

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"You're eighteen!" Lauren says as she opens Camila's door, but her face falls into a frown when she realises her girlfriend is still asleep. "Camz. Wake up."

"Mmm, what?" Camila grumbles, rolling over in her bed. "No school. No, mom."

Lauren giggles and flops down on Camila's bed. "I'm not your mom, silly. It's me, Lauren."

"Lolo?" Camila mumbles and rests her head on Lauren's lap. "G'night."

"No!" Lauren exclaims, shaking her girlfriend, "wake up, Camzi. You can't miss your eighteenth birthday!"

Camila grumbles and snuggles up close to Lauren. "Hold me, baby girl."

"Okay," Lauren runs her fingers through Camila's hair and kisses her girlfriend's cheek. "But it's your eighteenth birthday. You're a grown up now, like me. Shall we go get tattoos together?"

"Mom would kill me," Camila murmurs, "I just want to cuddle you for a bit. Okay?"

"Okay then," Lauren bobs her head in reply. "I like cuddles."

"You're a cuddly baby," Camila takes hold of her hand and squeezes it. "My cuddly Lolo lion."

Lauren smiles and plays with Camila's fingers. "We're the same age."

"But you're nineteen soon," Camila points out, still not opening her eyes. "You're so old."

Lauren giggles. "I'm not that old. I'm eighteen and you're eighteen, so if I'm old, so are you."

Camila finally opens her eyes and looks up at Lauren with a smile. "You're cute. You changed your nose piercing back to the stud, though?"

"Mhm," Lauren hums in thought. "I was bored and- and I wanted to. I will probably change it back to the ring soon though, I'm just- um, trying something new. And- anyway, we need to celebrate your birthday, so- um, get out of bed. Please."

"I want to cuddle with you though," Camila pouts at her. "Don't you want snuggles?"

"Well- I, I mean," Lauren blushes and shrugs. "I like cuddles, but I- I want to celebrate your birthday now and I- I made a schedule and if you don't get up now then we're not sticking to it."

Camila sits up and rubs at her eyes. "Okay. I'm up. What's the plan?"

"Um, well... I kind of lied," Lauren mumbles, "Just to wake you up. I'm really sorry-"

"Lolo!" Camila squeals and pulls her in for a hug. "You're the cutest. You don't need to apologise for white lies."

Lauren frowns at her girlfriend's words. "But- but what's the difference between a white lie and a regular lie?"

"Well, a white lie is like what you just said," Camila replies, taking hold of Lauren's hand. "And a regular lie is if... if you like, told me you went somewhere, but you actually went somewhere else."

"Where would I go?" Lauren frowns to herself. "Like, a place I'd lie to you about going. What- where would I go?"

Camila laughs. "I don't know, babe. It was just an example."

Lauren hums in thought. "I don't ever lie to you. Not even in a white way. Except for just then."

"In a white way," Camila repeats with a smile, "You're so cute."

Lauren cuddles up to her and squeezes her hand. "Well, um, it's your eighteenth birthday. So... you should be able to have full control of the day. You get to pick what we do..."

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