Seventy Five.

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"Yeah?" Lauren asks, not looking up from her sketchbook. She's in the middle of a sketch of Camila, her girlfriend sat across from her, reading a book, unaware that Lauren is drawing her. "Are you okay?"

Camila sighs, and Lauren worries a little. If Camila is upset, that'll make Lauren sad, too. She hates seeing Camila upset. "I'm just so... happy."

"Oh," Lauren grins when she realises it was a happy sigh. "Well, um... I'm glad. Can I keep drawing now?"

"I have questions," Camila continues, as if Lauren hadn't spoken, "for you."

"Um..." Lauren keeps drawing, because she can answer questions and draw at the same time. "Okay. What do you want to ask me?"

"Well, first of all," Camila shifts closer to her, and Lauren looks up to smile at her, "I want to know where the hell we're going to live in New York. Because, you know, we have a month and a half until we're there."

"Oh, well, I've been looking at places with my dad." Lauren says. "Pet friendly places. So Dash and Leo can come with us."

Lauren looks over at her two dogs with a smile. She loves them both so much. Camila follows her gaze with a smile. "Well, yeah. But... have you found anywhere?"

"Well, there's this one place I like, I'll show you later," Lauren assures her, because right now, she's sketching. "Anyway, what are your other questions."

"Okay, next one is," Camila pauses for a moment, before she smiles and says, "Can I take your name?"

Lauren frowns. "You want to be called Lauren? No. I already told you, I don't like when people have the same name as me, because I'm Lauren."

"No, I don't mean like that," Camila laughs. "I mean, like... I want to be Mrs Jauregui. When we get married."

"Oh," Lauren blushes, because it means a lot that Camila would want to take her name. Lauren was quite uncomfortable with the idea of changing her name to something else, because names are set, they're not supposed to change, and she hates changes. She was going to suggest that Camila stay as Camila Cabello, and Lauren would stay as Lauren Jauregui.

She likes this plan a lot better.

Camila takes Lauren's free hand. "Is that a yes?"

"Oh- um, I-" Lauren stutters. "You'd want to be... Mrs Camila Jauregui?"

"Yeah." Camila answers with a smile. "Because it's like... everyone would know I'm yours. I would introduce myself as Mrs Jauregui. Yeah, I'm Mrs Jauregui, and this is my beautiful wife, Mrs Jauregui. No, I took her name when we got married twenty years ago."

Lauren hums in thought. "I like that idea a lot. You- you being Mrs Jauregui. You can... you can take my name if you want."

Camila smiles. "Perfect. I can't wait to tell everyone oh, sorry, I'm not Camila Cabello anymore. Yeah, I got married. Who's the lucky lady? Well, it's Lauren, obviously. My Lauren."

"Your Lauren," Lauren repeats, a little dazed, because she likes being Camila's. "I am your Lauren. Forever and always."

Camila pulls Lauren in for a kiss, and the older girl drops her pencil in favour of cupping Camila's jaw with her hands and pulling her in closer. They part, and Lauren gazes into her girlfriend's eyes for a few moments, because she's comfortable looking Camila in the eye. She knows that eyes are supposed to be the windows to the soul, and that they let people see what you're thinking, and she wants Camila to know what she's thinking.

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