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A few people asked about how their physical relationship would develop. Get ready for Awkward Conversations With Camren™.



"This painting is my absolute favourite," Lauren tugs Camila over to a painting and stops in front of it. "I just love the way the colours mix, and there's no horrible orange in it so it doesn't make my eyes hurt or upset me. Look at all of the different blues..."

Camila smiles to herself as Lauren rambles on about the painting like she has for every single painting they've passed. She absolutely adores how happy her girlfriend looks right now, the way her green eyes are so bright and vibrant, the way she explains the different colour pallets and techniques that the artist has used, and how she's practically bouncing as she speaks.

It's moments like this when she realises how much she's fallen for Lauren Jauregui.

"...and it's just absolutely beautiful, don't you think?" Lauren finishes off her mini speech by making eye contact with Camila for a few seconds before her gaze moves back onto the painting.

"Yeah," Camila doesn't look at the painting at all as she examines her girlfriend's side profile, "absolutely beautiful."

"Art is my favourite thing in the whole wide world," Lauren tells her, leading her towards the art gallery's café. "Thank you for letting me bring you here and show you all of my favourite exhibitions."

"I wanted to come," Camila shrugs and kisses Lauren's cheek. "Seeing you passionately ramble about art is my favourite thing in the world, so we're both doing things we love today."

Lauren turns crimson and leads Camila over to a table for two in the little café. "You stay here. I'll go and get food for us. What do you want?"

Camila tells her what she wants, but she stops Lauren from leaving. "I have the money for it here. You already paid for my admission, it's only fair for me to pay for my sandwich and hot chocolate."

"No, I'm not paying," Lauren shakes her head, "The people that work here know me, like my- uh, my doctor's kid works here in the café and because I come here a lot and sometimes volunteer in the gallery they don't make me pay."

Camila frowns to herself when she picks up on something Lauren has said. "Your doctor? You have a doctor?"

"Um... yeah," Lauren looks unsure, as if she doesn't know what the right answer to Camila's question is. "It's kind of like... like a therapy thing. I've been seeing her since I was first diagnosed and it's just a monthly session for an hour where we talk about how I am. It's not really- um, a necessary thing, I just like to do it."

"Oh, okay," Camila hums in acknowledgement, "have you told her about me?"

"Yes," Lauren nods and sends Camila a shy smile. "I've told her everything about you. She thinks that you're helping because apparently being in a real relationship is- um, a big step and I should be proud of myself."

"She's right, Lo," Camila smiles and squeezes her girlfriend's hand. "You should be proud of yourself. Like I told you on our first dates, relationships are complicated and you're doing so well. We're about two weeks away from three months since our first date, actually."

"Yes, three months," Lauren clenches and unclenches the fingers on her left hand. "I'm going to get our food now. I'll be right back, Camzi."

Camila watches as Lauren walks away, and opens up her phone, deciding to text someone as she waits for her girlfriend to get back. An idea pops into her head and she smiles to herself, opening up a certain text conversation.

you make me sick (for being so perfect)Where stories live. Discover now