Fifty One.

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"Merry Christmas!" Lauren announces in a sing-song voice when Camila opens the front door. "Let's go shopping!"

"Lo..." Camila rolls her eyes, "it's November. Cool it with the festivities for a moment, yeah?"

"You're a festivity." Lauren childishly retorts. "And it's never too early. Don't be a Grinch. I want to get my Christmas shopping finished today, and you're coming with me, and you need to get into the festive mood!"

"I haven't even started my Christmas shopping," Camila says, and Lauren can't comprehend how her girlfriend is so unorganised, "and you're talking about how you're finishing today? Crazy, Lauren Michelle. You're crazy."

"Last year I finished in October," Lauren says, rocking on her heels, "so I'm a little behind schedule. But I'd like you to come with me and help me finish my shopping. I will help you start yours, too."

"Okay then," Camila nods and gestures for Lauren to come inside, so the older girl walks into her house and closes the door behind her. "What do you want for Christmas, anyway?"

Lauren watches as Camila starts putting her shoes on. "I don't know. Lots of hugs and tummy rubs, please."

"Lauren," Camila rolls her eyes and pauses in the middle of tying her laces to look up at Lauren, "you know I meant what material item. I give you hugs and tummy rubs every day, pretty much."

"Well... give me extra, then. And a card, I love Christmas cards!" Lauren smiles to herself, thinking back to the Christmas card she'd received from Ally last year – it had been really glittery and there was gorgeous scenery on it. She'll probably put it up again this year. "Get me a pretty Christmas card, please."

"Okay, but what present do you want?" Camila persists, and Lauren rolls her eyes this time, because she doesn't want Camila to get her anything. "And before you say nothing, that's not an answer. You're my girlfriend and I'm getting you something."

Lauren hums in thought. "Can you get me a bottle of mulled wine, please? But I still want my card."

"Sure, babe," Camila nods, "I'll have to make my mom buy that, though. I'm not exactly legal. Unless you want the non-alcoholic kind."

"No, normal please," Lauren is quick to reply, "and I already have your present. So you don't need to tell me what you want."

"Organised little cutie," Camila smiles and pulls her in for a kiss, "okay. Drag me out on your festive adventure."

"I'm not- well, I am organised, but mostly just because malls are even more crowded around the holidays, and some things I'd rather pick up in store than buy online," Lauren says, tapping her hand against her leg. "Anyway, I have a schedule. First, we get cocoa in my favourite little coffee shop. Then, we go shopping and I- um, I am sorry if-"

"If you're about to apologise for going into sensory overload, I'll smack you," Camila threatens, but Lauren knows she's only joking, "you never have to apologise for that, baby. I promise. Sometimes it happens and you can't help it."

"Okay," Lauren nods and sends Camila a smile, "good, then. I don't think it will happen, but... just in case it's busy. And- and, um, I'd like it if we held hands in the mall today."

"I would've held your hand anyway," Camila replies as they head out to the car, "whether you like it or not, Lauren Michelle. Romantic affection is a must with me."

"Don't call me Lauren Michelle, Karla Camila," Lauren says as she buckles herself in, "or I won't buy you a hot chocolate with marshmallows in it."

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