Seventy Two.

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Lauren is halfway through her morning bowl of Cheerios when she looks up to see her girlfriend walking into the kitchen. She's surprised – Camila hadn't slept over last night, so it's not like she's supposed to be there.

After a few moments, Lauren says. "Are you real or am I imagining you?"

Camila snorts. "Are you high?"

"No, it's only eleven," Lauren answers, "but you weren't here last night and I didn't let you in, and I'm home alone."

"The door was unlocked," Camila answers, "I figured you got my text and left it open for me."

"My mom must've left it unlocked when she left, because she knew I was up." Lauren says, tapping out a pattern on her leg. "She went grocery shopping. I would've gone too, but I'd just woken up and I didn't want to wear proper clothes, just my Simba onesie."

"Oh, well, since you haven't seen my text," Camila sits down next to Lauren and steals a Cheerio out of her bowl. "We're going out today."

Lauren whines. "But I don't want to."

"Too bad." Camila says. "I've already bought the tickets, so we're going."

"Oh," Lauren murmurs, "can we use them another day?"

"They're for today," Camila tells her, "if you really don't want to go, we don't have to."

"No, you paid for the tickets," Lauren says, standing up. "I would like to accompany you to... where are we going?"

"That's a surprise," Camila answers, and Lauren huffs, because she doesn't like surprises. Catching onto Lauren's mood, Camila grins and says, "the petting zoo."

Lauren hums in thought. "Okay. I will let you take me there. I need to get dressed, though."

"Okay," Camila smiles, "I'll wait here."

"You can come with me!" Lauren says, "you can pick out my outfit. But I might need to shower, because my hair is weird right now, even though I showered yesterday. I think maybe I didn't wash it properly."

"Tie it back," Camila suggests, and before Lauren can say anything, Camila is taking off the hair tie on her wrist and tying Lauren's hair into a ponytail. "See? Now you can't even tell."

Lauren smiles. "You're magic."

Camila snorts. "I wish. But then again, even if I was magic and I went to Hogwarts, you know I'd set everything on fire by accident."

"Yes, you probably would cause a lot of disasters," Lauren answers, humming to herself, "I think I'd be good at magic, because I'm smart, and once people explain things thoroughly, it is quite easy to understand. So long as the explanation is good. That's why I graduated with a 5.0 GPA and was valedictorian."

Camila just smiles. "Yeah. Anyway, what do you want to-"

"Camz," Lauren whines when she spots herself in the mirror. "My hair still looks weird. On the top. I need to go in the shower."

"Put a hat on," Camila suggests, and before Lauren can answers, "not the ugly one, or you're not invited out anymore. I'll take Dinah."

"It's not ugly," Lauren argues, "but- but... I'll wear something else so you don't complain. Ally doesn't call my hat ugly. Maybe you should give- give me the tickets and I'll go with her."

"Ally's too nice to insult your hat," Camila says, "I'm just telling you how it is, Laur. Can't let you think you're a fashion queen when you wear stuff like that."

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