Sixty Five.

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Trigger warning for recreational drug use but let's be real you all saw this chapter coming.


When Camila hears that Lauren is having a little get-together at her place, she's a little more excited for it than usual. Mostly because she knows her friends will be drinking, and while she's not going to be, since she's driving, if the other girls are getting drunk, Lauren will be getting high.

At least, she hopes. If a stoned Lauren is as funny as drunk Lauren, she's in for a good night.

Naturally, when she arrives at Lauren's house two hours early, she attacks her girlfriend with kisses and glances over her shoulder at the painting she's finishing up. It's a painting of Lucy and Keana, and she has her phone open on the original picture on Instagram. "Hey. Are you getting high tonight?"

"Mhm," Lauren hums in reply, pulling the hood of her Simba onesie back up, "I'm finishing my painting first."

Camila laughs. "Good thing I brought a book. I'll be on your bed."

"Okay." Lauren doesn't look up as Camila pulls away from her and flops down on her bed. As Camila flips to where she left off, Lauren speaks up again. "I love you."

"Love you too, Lern Jergi," Camila says, getting herself comfortable. She notices Nala sat on one of Lauren's perfectly fluffed pillows and smiles. "Can I cuddle Nala, since you're busy?"

That makes Lauren look up. "You want to cuddle Nala?"

"You're not cuddling me and I need something to snuggle," Camila rolls her eyes, "You don't-"

"Okay," Lauren interrupts her, turning back to her painting, "you can cuddle her. I was just surprised that you'd want to."

"Of course I want to," Camila grins, "she has like, magic powers or something that make you calm. No wonder you love her so much."

Lauren hums. "She's not magic, I don't think. She's just cuddly and nice and my favourite toy ever and I'll never get rid of her."

Camila laughs, but instead of explaining that she was just kidding, smiles at her girlfriend – who still isn't paying her much attention – and grabs Nala, pulling the stuffed lion close. "Let me know when you finish your painting, Laur."


With that, Camila settles down under Lauren's covers – because if she's going to be there for a while, she might as well get comfortable – and gets started on the next chapter of her book. She's read around six chapters, which takes her nearly an hour, when Lauren finally puts her paintbrush down and turns to her with a shy smile.

"I'm finished," Lauren announces, "but I need to wash up my palette and brushes."

Camila nods. "Need any help?"

"No, I'll be fine." Lauren stands up and grabs her messy art supplies, heading towards the bathroom. She stops for a second, rocking on her heels. "You- um, look really cute. With Nala, I mean."

"Thank you, baby girl," Camila smiles and gives the stuffed lion a squeeze. "She's almost as good of a cuddle buddy as you are."

Lauren blushes. "I'll- um, be right back."

With that, she ducks into the bathroom, and Camila can't make her smile go away. She's still smiling about how cute her girlfriend is when Lauren comes back out of the bathroom with clean art supplies, puts them away in a drawer and sits down next to her.

"Hi," Lauren says when Camila doesn't look up. "Can you- um... since this is kind of a party, like, a friend party, I was wondering if- if you'd do my makeup for me."

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