Seventy Eight.

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"Do you ever wonder what our lives would be like if we hadn't met?"

Lauren sits up at her girlfriend's weird question, before she sighs and curls back up against Camila, keeping Nala pressed to her chest. "No, that's weird."

Camila laughs. "I don't mean to freak you out with what ifs, because I know you're not a big fan of them. I just wonder sometimes how we would be. How I would be."

"You'd be a colossal bitch, that's what you'd be," Dinah answers for her, and Lauren frowns. It upsets her, that Dinah had called Camila a bitch, because she's not. She's the most wonderful person ever, in Lauren's opinion.

(Even more wonderful than Nala, but Lauren would never admit that. Especially when her stuffed lion is in the room. She doesn't want to fall out with Nala.)

Camila laughs. "That's coming from you? The girl who is a colossal bitch, and who probably doesn't even know what colossal means?"

Dinah scoffs. "Don't push me, Walz. I will beat your ass."

"No," Lauren scowls at Dinah and sits up, scowling even more when her hair falls in front of her eyes. "No."

"Look out, Lolo lion," Camila laughs, pushing Lauren's hair out of her eyes and running her fingers through it. "Your mane is obscuring your vision."

Lauren hums happily as Camila plays with her hair, but her bad mood comes back when she remembers what Dinah had said. "She's not a bitch. Leave her alone."

"Ralph, I'm kidding, you know that," Dinah rolls her eyes. "Even if I weren't, you're hardly intimidating."

Lauren scowls. "I'm badass."

Dinah just laughs. "Sure, whatever."

Camila sticks her tongue out in Dinah's direction. "Yeah, you can't get at me, because you've got to get through Laur first. Suck on that, Cheechee."

"Whatever, Chancho," Dinah laughs. "You're both weak and Mani and I could take you any day."

"Unfortunately for you, Mani isn't here," Camila points out, turning to Lauren with a grin. Lauren curls back up next to her and kisses Nala on the top of her head. "I guess it's got to be two on one."

"She'll be here soon," Dinah says, noting how Lauren's mood turns sour again at Mani isn't here. "She's just got to pick up Ally since her car's in the shop, and you asked her to get Shawn too."

"Yes," Lauren murmurs, "because we have to say goodbye to everyone."

"Mhm," Camila agrees, kissing the top of Lauren's head, "and we'll be spending all day tomorrow packing. Well, I will be, at least. This little nerd has already packed."

"I am organised," Lauren says to nobody in particular. "I have all of my things, and all of Dash and Leo's things. I am excited to cuddle with my sons on the flight."

Camila snorts. "What am I, dead weight?"

Lauren looks up and frowns at her, meeting her girlfriend's gaze for a moment before she glances down at the floor. "No, you're my girlfriend."

Camila smiles, and Lauren blushes when her girl's lips softly press against her cheek. "I love you."

"Yes, I love you too," Lauren nods, and decides she wants to hold Camila's hand, so she takes it with a smile, keeping one arm secured around Nala. "When are the others coming? I want to say goodbye to Lucy properly. She goes to New Orleans tomorrow."

"They'll be here soon, Ralph," Dinah assures her with a grin. "Mani says she's just picked up Shawn and she and Ally are on their way."

"I will message the group chat I have with Lucy, Keana and Alexa," Lauren decides, and she takes out her phone, asking her friends if they're on their way yet. In a way, she hopes they don't reply, because texting while driving is bad.

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