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When Lauren hears her bedroom door open, she's quick to curl back up under her favourite blue fluffy blanket, because she doesn't want to talk to her family right now. She feels sick, and she wants to be by herself so she can relax and not think about how there are loads of alien germs in her body right now, because she doesn't like the thought of horrible antigens in her system. Her body is hers.

"Hey, babe," Camila's voice shocks her completely, so much that she emerges from under her blanket for a moment to check if she's really there, or if her voice was some sort of germ induced hallucination. "I came over to pick you up for our picnic, but your dad told me you were sick. Why didn't you text me?"

Lauren curls up under her blanket again and sighs. "Didn't want to annoy you."

"You'd never annoy me, dumbass," Camila rolls her eyes and Lauren feels her bed sink under added weight. "You took care of me one time when I was sick. Now it's time for me to be a good girlfriend and return the favour."

Lauren stims with the material of her blanket and pulls it up to her neck when Camila goes to grab it. "Don't touch my blanket. It's my favourite and I don't want you to grab it."

"Okay, that's fine," Camila rests her hand on Lauren's waist, on top of her blanket. "I'll leave if you want me to. You don't have to endure the torture of my company if it'll just make you sicker."

Lauren frowns, because Camila's company is the furthest thing from torture. "I like you being around. You wouldn't be my girlfriend if I didn't. You can stay if you want, but I don't want to talk."

Camila smiles and lays down next to her. "Okay. I'll stay and be your cuddle buddy. Am I allowed under your blanket with you, or not? It looks really comfy."

Lauren hums in thought, because she's never let anyone else use her blanket before, because next to Nala it's her favourite thing in the world, and she only ever uses it herself when she's upset or sick, because the material feels good against her skin and it's wonderfully soft so she can stim with it.

Lauren plays with the fabric of her blanket for a few more moments, and finally nods. "Yes, okay. I will let you under my blanket, but you can't grab and pull at it, because I need it to stim."

"I promise I won't pull it," Camila assures her, kicking off her shoes and her jeans so she's left in her t-shirt and underwear. Then, she shuffles under the blanket and rests her hand on Lauren's bare waist. "You can go back to stimming and watching your documentary now. If you need anything, ask me."

"Okay," Lauren shuffles over so her back is pressed against Camila, and she hears her girlfriend's small gasp, but doesn't think anything of it. "Love you, Camzi."

"I love you too, Lo, but..." Camila trails off for a second and clears her throat, "are you naked right now?"

"Yes," Lauren nods and pulls her blanket up to her neck, locating Nala underneath it and pulling her to her chest. "The material is nice against my skin because it's so soft, and I don't like clothes other than sweaters, but I get too hot with them on under my blanket. Jeans are scratchy and I don't like it, so if I'm sad or sick I take them off and cuddle under my special fuzzy blanket. And it's blue, too. That's my favourite colour and that's why it's special."

"Oh," Camila lets out an odd noise and Lauren frowns to herself, because she doesn't know what that means, "so... bras and underwear aren't on the list of clothes you like, then?"

Lauren whines, because she wants to stop talking and watch her documentary, and Camila is asking questions with obvious answers. "Sweaters are the only clothes I like. I hate bras, I only ever wear them when I have to, and underwear is okay, but if I'm upset everything is hypersensitive and I don't want anything touching me other than materials I like, like my blanket. Can you shut up now? I don't want to talk to you anymore."

you make me sick (for being so perfect)Where stories live. Discover now