Into The Woods

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Ever since I was a little kid my parents told me about the beast. The Beast that lived in the woods. They say he left the from the city and into the woods so he can be alone. They said he was ruthless, cold hearted, and didn't have the ability to love.  They said when you look into his cold eyes you will immediately know that he is the Beast.

I am from a small town in Virginia and these stories are what kids grew up on. It's what I grew up on. I never heard about Cinderella but I knew everything about the Beast.

He intrigued me. Why is he so cold? Who hurt him that bad that he hates love ?

Can anyone still save him?

I am snapped out of my thoughts as my mom comes barging into my room.

"Amaya Marie Jones why have you gotten dressed yet? We have to go." She scolded me with her blue eyes looking into my soul.

I love her but when she is angry, her eyes will look into your eyes and almost compel you to do what she says.

I have a mixture of her blue and my dads green eyes.
That's the only thing I like about myself. My hair is frizzy and looks like hay. I have huge lips and my thigh are my biggest.

" Okay okay. Jeesh I'm getting ready " I reply back to her as she finally leaves my room.

Please close the door.

Fudge! She didn't close the door. I hate that so much

I get out of bed and get dressed In my black ripped jeans and white tank top. Today is the day we go camping.

I don't even know why we are gonna go. No one in their right minds would go because of the beast. We don't know if he is real or not but my mom thinks it is just a myth that was meant to put fear in children's minds so they don't run away from their parents. But either way I'm down for it.

I love nature so much. I feel at peace and when I just close my eyes and focus on the sounds of the waterfalls, birds chipping and feel the breeze on my skin, that is the best feeling you can ever get.

I head downstairs after my stomach starts rumbling and begging for food. As I walk down the smell of pancakes hits me and I run into the kitchen to get the love of my life. Pancakes.

I spot my dad reading the newspaper with his glasses and his focus on that paper as if it were the most interacting thing on Earth.  I quietly walk over and hug him.

" Morning dad" I say happily.

" Morning sugar. How did you sleep?" He asked me with a smile on his face as he sets down his paper.

" I slept good. You?"

"I slept fine. Now eat breakfast because we have a long day ahead"  he tells me.

I go ahead and grab a plate of pancakes and make some coffee for myself. I don't think I can ever eat pancakes without coffee. They just go so good together.

After we finsh hearing mom does the dishes while me and dad finally check everything in our bags to make sure we leave nothing behind. We are only going for three days but you will be surprised to know how many bags we have.

" Okay guys time to go. Don't leave anything behind." Shouts my dad as he starts taking his bags to the car.

"Okay!" Mom and me yell back at the same time.

"Jinx"  Mom and me say to each other at the same time.

We laugh it off and walk into the car. I almost died along the way because the laces of my vans decided to open up causing me to nearly fall down the stairs of my house. What a great way to start the Morning right? Note the sarcasm.

After about about 2 hours of driving and listening to Fall Out Boy we reach the woods. We have our trailer hooked onto the back of our car.

Most people go camping in actual tents but we had a bad experience with that. Let's just say a bear can easily claw its way though your tent while you go fishing.

Inside of trailer

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Inside of trailer

Isn't it awesome how you can have just walk out a trailer that feels like home and be surrounded by nature.

We lock the car and take our bags into the trailer.
After I put away my things I decide to go and explore the woods while the sun is still out.

" Ma! I'm gonna go look around while it's day time" I tell her.

" Okay sweetie, be safe. Love you." She replies back.

" Love you too."

I change Into some black shorts since it's to hot now. I spray on some bug spray and grab my phone. I didn't need to grab a flashlight since there is one on my phone and head out.

The woods are to beautiful. The leaves on the trees are so colorful and home to do many creatures. I keep walking around enjoying the view and see a beautiful water fall.  It's so breathtaking.

The clear water falls gracefully from the mountain and has a variety of flowers surrounding it . At the bottom is a pool of the waterfalls water and is so clear you can see the inside clearly and spot little pebbles.

Suddenly I feel goosebumps on my skin and like someone is watching my every move now. I take a deep breath and look around.

No one is here.

I turn my head back to the waterfall and enjoy the view for a few more minutes.

I decide to go back to the trailer since it is starting to get dark but as soon as I turn around I crash into a solid hard chest.  I look up and gasp at what I see.

His hair is dark brown and his eyes even darker. His long lashed fan his high cheekbones. He had to be about 6'8 compared to my 5'3 figure.  In all my 19 years of life I haven't ever seen anyone as handsome as him.

He stared down intensely at me as I started into his eyes.

He is the Beast. I know it. I feel it in my bones and gut.

" Why are you here?" He asked me with his deep, husky voice making my legs almost buckle beneath me.

Before I could reply the world starts spinning beneath me. I feel strong arms wrap around my waist as I starts falling.

It's all black from there.

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