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Beast POV

I hit him in the face again with all the power in me. Sebastian head snaps to the side and blood oozes out. I got the bastard right after he gave the letter to Amaya. He thought he can hide from me.

No one can.

" Do your worst Beast." He says as he laughs with his bloody face.

" Alright" I reply with a smirk and punch him again. This time his teeth come out and more blood.

" Why are you wasting your time with me?" He asks as he tries to hide his pain.

" You wanted to hurt me by hurting Amaya." I growl at him as I punch him in the stomach. He lurches forward and pules blood onto the dungeon floor.

" I already successfully did that. Ask your precious if her parents funeral happens yet. When I hit them with my car and sent them flying into the trees, surely they had to have died." The bitch says as he laughs. My heart drops.

No. Please be lying.

" Your a liar Sebastian, always have been and will be." I say as I kick him.

He groans in pain and looks at me with a grin.

" Ah, your correct but this time I'm not." He replies and I loose it.

I grab the blade next to he and shove it into his cheek. He screams in pain. He hurt Amaya. He killed her parents. She must be in Hell right now.

This is why I pushed her away. He hurt her to hurt me. I drag the knife across his face and up to his eyes as he screams more and more in pain. His pain brings me pleasure.

Deciding to finish him off I grab his neck and snap it to the side so hard that Sebastian's head breaks off and his bones and veins come out form the top as I throw his head on the floor.

I wash my body to get rid of his blood  and speed out the door to go find Amaya. I need to see her. She must be wreck. I will never ever let anyone hurt her like this again.

Amaya POV

Silence... It's all you hear. You can hear a pin drop as I just stand there in an empty room. The room where my parents used to be. Now they are gone. The only thing left is a chair and medical gear.

The door slams open and in comes my aunt and a uncle with Micheal. They all are in tears and have two suitcases behind them. They must have just gotten of the plane. No one says a word as we all just hug each other and sob.

I lost my parents, they lost their brother and sister and Micheal lost his uncle and aunt.

My aunt pulls back and looks at me.

" Darling when you were born, your parents wrote a letter to give to you for when they are gone." She says as I look into her red puffy eyes. She pulls out the letter from her pocket and gives it to me to read.

With cold and shaky hands I grab the letter and open it.

Hi baby,

If you are getting this letter this means we are gone. It's okay, we know we died after giving this world an angel. Your our angel. Don't live your life in sadness because we're gone. Live your life, smile and laugh. Enjoy life. You are one of the strongest people we know. You are so stubborn and don't go down with out a fight so don't go down Amaya. Always Rise up. Your not made to break. Don't cry, just look at the sky and say goodbye. I know it's hard but you stay strong, okay. We will miss you and always look over you honey.

Mom and Dad

I close the letter and let my tears fall freely. I will not break. I will cry, move on and live my life.

I hold the letter close to my chest and look at my aunt and uncle.

" Thank you so much" I say and hug them.

" Don't thank us."

After an hour or two of paper work we leave the hospital. We head over to my house to get everything I need. I am staying over at Micheal's house for a few days. They wait in the car as I step out.

I walk up my house steps and open the door. As I walk in a wave of memories hit me. Ones where my dad tries to make pancakes but they end up on the floor, us painting the house and getting more paint on ourselves than the walls, me almost falling down the stairs because of my laces the day we went camping and many more.

I head upstairs and get my stuff. As I walk out my room and down the hall I walk into my parents room.

With a heavy heart and small steps I walk in. Their bed is perfectly made with they blue and white sheets set perfectly. The white walls covered with pictures of us laughing and smiling. My moms dresser filled with her favorite perfumes and my dads side filled with watches and cologne.

I just stand there reminiscing on everything. From the corner of my eyes I see a picture. It is of all three of us at the park smiling. We look so happy.

I grab the frame and hug it. Why did they leave so soon? Why did they get into an accident? My anger soon turns into anger and I can't control it. I grab the vase behind me and throw it into the wall.

It shatters into pieces and I feel relief. I look around me for more things and I find another flower vase. I storm to in anger and smash it against the wall.

I fall to my knees and cry. I hear footsteps running to me but I don't care enough to see who it is.

" Amaya, let's go. It's okay. I know it hurts but it will get better." Michaels tells me as he picks my up from the floor bridal style and carries me to the car.

After he puts me in he heads inside to get the box of stuff that I packed.

I just silently watch him put the box in the trunk and come around the car to sit next to me. We just sit there hugging each other.

I miss you mom and dad.

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