Satin Red

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Xavier and me stand beneath the shower lost in our own world. I stand bare in front of him yet he does not dare look down without my permission.

He pulls me close as our naked bodies become one. I feel his manhood against my belly button. Slowly he leans in and our lips touch. I see fireworks behind my closed eyes.

His hands roam over my mid back down to my butt cheek and stays there. We kiss like there is no tomarrow. His hands roam my naked body and spread warmth.

He slams me into the cold tiled wall of the shower and starts kissing down my neck. He kisses back up to my jaw.

Xavier pulls back and looks at me in the eyes. When I see his eyes I feel at home.

" You are the angel to my demons Amaya." he tells me as he cups my face and stares at me intensley in my eyes. I smile at him and reach to wrap my arms around his neck. Xavier holds me to him tighter not even a paper can fit between us.

" Let's get out the shower " I whisper. he shuts the water leving the room in silence. Xavier walk out and gets the black towels. I turn around so I don't see his area. He walks back in with one towel wrapped around his waist and wraps one around me.

I head back into the enormus room and sit on the bed. I have no clothes to wear.

" Uhh, I have no clothes or undergarments" I give an awkwrad smile as I tell him.

" I am totally fine with that" he says with a grin.

I glare at him. He just chuckles and I turn around as he puts on some jeans and a black shirt.

" Okay, I can zoom over to your house and pack you some clothes for the week." Xavier says as I turn back around. I nod my head in agreement as he speeds off and leaves a slight wind behind,making my wet body shiver.

I lay down and stare at the ceiling. I feel another breeze and a little kiss to my lips. I sit up and see Xavier hovering over me with my bag in his hands.

" You have an exquisite taste in underwear " He says with a cocky smirk as my eyes widen. I forgot about my whole drawer of lacey underwear. I feel my cheeks heat up as I snatch my bag out to his hands and run into the bathroom to change as I hear a deep laugh behind me.

I pull on some red satin lace underwear with matching bra and Nike sweats with plain black crop top that exposes my side boob, well the sheer lace part of my bra. Oh well. I quickly dry my hair with the towel and put the cherry chapstick I found in the small pocket of my bag with moistrizer.

I walk out and see Xavier sprawled out on the bed. My inner child comes out and I run over to the bed that I planning on jumping on. I put my bag down and carry on with my plan. I half land on Xaviers abs and half on the comfy bed.

Xavier opens up his eyes to look at me and just laughs at my childness. I giggle and just lean over to peck his well defined jawline. God definitly put effort into this one.

The sound of my blaring phone scares the life out of me as I hear it. I see it was Micheal calling and I pick up wondering what happened. Xavier groans behind me.

" Amaya, can you quickly stop by my house. My mom nees to give you an important box of your parents stuff. She said she wants to give it to you right now. " the memory of my parents pinches my heart but I push the pain away and tell him okay and hang up,the phone.

" I heard. Let's go" Xavier says as he gets off the bed and pulls me up. We drive back in my car, I have no idea when he got it here but I am grateful he did. We pull up to Micheals drive way and I step out the car, Xavier zooms off to the trees so Micheal doesn't see him. I look over and see his eyes staring at me through the green leaves covered in raindrops.

Probably hearing my car, Micheal walks down his porch with a brown cardboard box in his hands. I quickly take it from his arms and put it in the trunk of my car. He leans over and gives me a hug. I forgot I have a crop top on so his hand ends up on my bareback. I pray that Xavier does not see that part.

I find out he did see as I hear a tree crack and see the top of it fall. I know Micheal had to had seen it too as his eyes widen.

" Must be the aftermath of the rainstorm. It must have been some weak tree." I say with a nervous laugh. Micheal thinks about it and just shrugs his shoulders. Thank God.

" You okay Papaya?" he asks me with concern. I nod and give him a smile. He smiles back. I say my goodbye to him and sit back in my car and backout his driveway as he sees me off. Xavier can just meet me back at the castle.

In about twntly minutes I reach and him standing there with his legs apart and arms folded at his chest. I come to a stop and step out my car. He walks over to me and I see a bit of rage in his eyes.

" Next time he touches you I will not hesitate to hurt him." Xavier says in a deathly tone that scares the crap out of me. I just nod my head yes. He mubles a 'good' and pecks my forehead.

I am writing this while eating hot cheetos and a heating pad on my stomach in bed with my period. BTW i am getting an iphone 6s plus today so thank the gods man!

FUN FACT: I stalk you people. Whenever someone comments, votes or adds my story to a reading list I click on your profiles and just stalk. LOL sorry. Also i am not scared of ghosts. I have had many many paranormal expericnces growing up so now i am used to it, which also explains why horror movies make me laugh. At every chapter I will leave a fun fact about me and want YOU guys to leave one about your self.


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