Starting Fresh

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I am finally on spring break, have been for the past 3 days but just had a bit of writers block. I am back now my sexy munchkins😝😝 And Guys thank you for all the support and love. See y'all at the end............

As I stand in front of my house with the keys in my hand I think, what will I tell my parents? I can't tell them the truth, well I can but half. I will just tell them I was going for jog and hit my head on a pole. That will explain the bandaid on my head but what will I say about be gone for a week?

I'm surprised that they didn't call the cops yet to be honest. Maybe I can tell them that I passed out when I hit my head and I have been at the hospital ever since and they didn't have a way of contacting them because my phone was dead and I cab dropped me off.

It's the best I can come up with.

With shaky hands I put the key in the door and open it. With each step I go further into my house and end up in the living room. Mom and dad are on the couch sleeping with their arms around each other. They both look so tired and sick. They must have been so worried for me.

I need to wake them up to give them some piece of mind that I am okay.

"Mom, Dad. I'm home" I say a bit louder than usual so they can wake up.

They slowly open their eyes and look around the room in a haze until their eyes spot me.

Mom shoots of the couch and hug me.

" My baby, where have you been?" She cries into my shoulder and be heart breaks.

She pulls back and looks at me, her eyes widen when she sees the big white bandage on my head.

"What, what happened? Are you okay?" She asks a million questions frantically while my dad stands and hug me quietly. He had never been the one to talk too much in these types of situations.

I pull back from them.

" Guys have a seat and let me explain" I say calmly in hopes they can just relax.

After an hour or explaining my parents finally stop worrying.

With all this lying I am going to Hell flying first class.

Mom and dad head upstairs to their room after hugging the life out of me. Again.

I can't blame them, their daughter was gone for a week and came back with a bug bandage on her head.

I gasp

Micheal! He must be worried sick. Oh shit shit shit!

" Mom, Dad I'm going to Micheal's house, he must be worried about me." I yell from the bottom of the stairs.

" Okay just make sure your phone is with you and you might wanna sleep over there, it late and I don't want you driving back this late. " My dad shouts back.


With that I grab my night clothes, next day clothes, and brush and other essentials for the night and put them in my duffle bag.

I drive my way over to his house hoping he doesn't kill me for being off the grid for a week. It's weird even not talking to him for a day, so imagine a week.

I pull up in his drive way and walk up his five porch steps. Am I the only one that counts steps?

I knock on his door.

Knock, knock,....knock knock knock.

I hear footsteps coming towards the door and the the handle turns. Micheal open the door fully and he looks like death.

His eyes widen and he pulls me into the tightest hug. I feel my lungs about to crush.

" Amaya I swear to god I will kill you if you do not have a good explanation." He says and he finally lets
go and we walk in.

His parents are out of town on a business trip for a month so he is alone.

" I'm sorry just listen."

With Micheal it's the same. I tell him the 'Story' of what happened and he knows that I'm lying. I can see it in his eyes but he just goes along with it. I will tell him the truth, eventually...

The rest of the night he seems to be getting better. He worried about me so much he looked like actual death. I would too if he was gone for a week without explanation.

We decide to order pizza and just enjoy life. I have been in a crazy situation for a month or even more with Beast. It's over now and it's just a memory. It's a painful one but it's over. I need to live my life and enjoy my youth.

Right now we at watching Winters War and I am just staring at Chris Hemsworth's abs.

God bless his mama and papa.

" Psshhhh. I got better abs than him" Micheal says while chewing in his slice and shaking is head.

I stare at him and laugh.

" Bitch where?" I say as he glares at me.

We continue watching the movie in peace and half way through I hear snoring. Micheal is sleeping with half of his pizza in his hand.

I quietly shut the T.V off and take the pizza out of his hand. I grab the blanket and lay it over him. He must have gotten no sleep, all thanks to me.

I go upstairs and change into my night cotton shorts and black tank top after brushing my teeth.

I need some fresh air, so I head out onto the porch and just sit on the rocking chair on it as I stare at the stars.

Beast, you broke me. Gave me hope of something that was never gonna happen. You made me feel special and made me question so many things. Why did you save me when you are known to kill? Why did you pull me close than push me away?

But the damage is done and so am I. I am moving on and starting new.

I keep thinking of how I will start fresh and new as I look at the beautiful starts in the sky and soon I feel myself being pulled into the darkness and a beautiful bliss.

The Possessive BeastWhere stories live. Discover now