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After an hour of just sitting in each others warm embrace and Beast peppering kisses along my neck we finally pull back.

"Tell my why you have so many enemies, why are you known to be cold? Something made you this way, what?" I ask him gently with his face between both of my palms and my hands feeling his stuble.

He looks at me and his eyes full of love and adoration.

" There was a little boy once. He lived in a castle with his parents. The king and queen of all supernatural forces and creatures. They raised that little boy to be a warrior, to be kind and loving. The kings brother, David, was jealous of his older brother.He wanted to be the king, he got so jealous that one day he raised an amry of rouges to attack the castle. The king and queen were hurt severly and died. The little boy stood over thier dead bodies and realized his parents are never coming back. He took over the castle and title of the king. The little boy never got close to anyone again being afraid he was going to get hurt again. Years went by and when old enough, he got revenge on the man that killed his family. David had a son named Sebastian who grew up trying to kill the boy since he killed his father. The boy never let that happen. He killed his enemies ruthlessly and never had mercy. Years later, the boy was known as the Beast, the most powerful werewolf in the world and he got his weakness. Sebastian found out who his weaknss is and used her to hurt the Beast and Beast killed Sebastian." Beast tells me the story with sad eyes. My eyes are filled with tears and one drops. Beast gently wipes it and kisses my cheek.

" That little boy was you Beast."

" Yes, I never wanted you to become part of my darkness."

" You are not dark, you have been hurt. No one was there for you and you were just afraid at a young age. Your not a Beast. Your someone who has felt pain. " I tel him as I kiss his head.

" You are something special Amaya" he hugs me tighter and says. I smile a little.

" What was the boy called before he was the Beast? "

" Xavier"

Even his name was sexy. Xavier has been through so much. he was hurt at a young age and did not know any better than to push people away. He is afraid being hurt and loosing someone he cares about.

I gently try to get out to his lap as I feel my leg falling asleep and immediatly Xavier growls and pulls me right back.

" I can't feel my legs, let me get up" I say with a chuckle.

" You won't be able to feel anything after I make love to you." he says with a smirk. My mouth parts in shock. He uses that as an advantage and leans in for a kiss. Wanting to teach him a lesson, I move my head last second so he ends up kissing my cheek only. His body lossens it's grip on me in shock. I bolt out of his lap and run down the hall while laughing.

I make it about two steps until I hear a growl and in a second I am pulled back into a hard chest. I am pinned to the wall in a flash and Xavier attacks my lips . I gasp in shock and his tongue enters my mouth. Sneaky bastard.

We kiss passionatley for a while beofore pulling back.

" Wanna try that again?" Xavier asks me with a cocky grin and I swear my panties just went for a swim.

I smile and decide to tease him. My hand runs up his chest and slowly slips beneath his shirt onto his warm toned abs. He shivers at my touch and I bite my lip to add more effect. Little growls come out of his mouth. His hand sslam against the wall caging me in. Being the little devil that I am, I lean in for a kiss and the moment our lips touch, I pull back before he even gets the chance to really kiss me.

He growls even louder and grabs the back of my neck and slams his lips against mine.

I pull back, it took a lot of strength thanks too thanks to him.

"Wanna try that again." I say with a grin. He just glares at me.

" My little devil"

" My little Beast" I shoot back

" Oh babe, I am defintily not little" he says as he pushes him self into me more and I feel his manhood against my womanhood. My eye widen like saucers. He will be the death of me.

The Possessive BeastWhere stories live. Discover now