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Since I am here for like a week, I might as well enjoy nature again. I don't need to waste my vacation time because Beast broke my heart.

I am dressed up in my sports bra and Nike shorts right now because I decided to go for a run in the beautiful woods. I don't get this chance everyday. I can just run in the woods, no road, open skies, no sound of cars or crowds of people trying to get to work. Just an open area with beautiful trees and fresh air.

I grab my iPod and headphones and am out the door. Before I even start I realize my shoe lace is untied. Well, I almost died, again. What is it with the woods and me almost dying every time I come here?

I know it sounds a bit exaggerated but I once saw someone break a leg due to tripping over their own shoe lace.

As I bend over to tie my shoe I hear a little growl. My head snaps up and I take a look around. No one. I just shrug it of and finish tying my shoe.

I take off into the woods. The beautiful scenery and weather just makes this run feel so good and like there is not a single problem in the world. But I know deep down inside that the whole world is the problem.

Just keep reading and don't kill me for ending it here.


The Possessive BeastDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora