Stupid Technology

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Suddenly my phone goes off. I swear to God this can only be my luck. Looking at the phone screen, I see it is from an unknown number. I decided to answer anyways since it might be important.

I look up and see an annoyed Beast glaring at my phone.

" Hello" I say

" Hi darling" Said a prickly, broken, unpleasant voice that sent shivers down my spine. Beast must have heard his voice as he snatched the phone and put it on speaker.

" Who, who are you?" I ask as my body starts to shake in uncomfortably.

" The one and only Sebastian Clark baby, we will meet soon so don't worry. Tell that Beasty boy you surely are a keeper. Also Amaya darling your parents are a very beautiful couple. Hate to see something happen to them."  With that he hung up. I was left petrified and on the verge of tears. He knows my parents. He knows me. He knows Beast. I know nothing.

Beast let's put a growl loud enough to make the trees move as if a wind just came and birds fly out of the trees scared. I don't blame them.

My arms automatically wrap around myself as I let warm tears flow down my cheek and on to my neck. Why me? I don't want him even in the same city as my parents. What does he want and why am I trapped in between this?

I look over to Beast who is having a staring contest with the ground while lost in deep thought as his eyebrows are furrowed together.

" Beast, please just explain to me what it going on. Please, I am scared and even more now that he has connections to my parents." I say as I cry more as my voice cracks and is barley there.

He looks at me and in his eyes I see pain and anger.

" Go home and stay away from me as much as possible. Don't question anything right now. As time comes so will answers. I promise. Amaya go live you life and be with your family. The closer you are to the more of a chance you are in danger. " He says with a gentle tone as comes close and kisses my forehead.

My eyes close on their own as I enjoy his body heat. Sooner than I would like the heat is gone and I reopen my eyes. Beast is nowhere to be seen. Without even questioning anything I head back in my car and drive home with dry tears on my face.

I am living my life again. I don't know how but I am. The less I know the safer I am.

The Possessive BeastWhere stories live. Discover now