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This chapter is dedicated to DayDreamer_16N  for being so supportive and amazing. I love this girl, and go check out her poems book. It is truly amazing and beautiful. ❤❤💙

I sitrr awake from a deep sleep and find myself in a king size bed with black silky sheets with the warmth of ... Beast?!

Wait, I jolt upright on the bed and look around me.
Huge balcony with golden doors, the dark red walls and black curtains, a black carpet lying right in front of the bed, and a white chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

As the surroundings sink in I realize I am back in Beasts castle.

How the Hell?

Wait, when I passed out from from the blood that was coming out of my knees, Beast must have found me and brought me back here.

I pull the covers back to have a look at my knee and I see myself in my underwear! My knee is wrapped around with a medical wrap and has no sign of blood.

Now why am I in my underwear?

" Your pants were covered in blood so I decided to take you out if it, but don't worry I changed you in the dark." Beast tells me as he sits up from the bed and the sheets fall down to his waist.

Oh heaven help me, his eight pack is on display and has me nearly drooling.

Snap out of it Amaya

"Oh, okay," I reply while looking down at my hands as if they were mythical creatures from Narnia.

" Amaya look at me." He commands

I shake my head and refuse to look at him. I can't look into his chocolate eyes. I will be lost and never find my way out if I do.

" Amaya" he says more sternly

Deciding to not piss him off I look up.

" Why were you in the woods? Don't you know how dangerous it is? How dangerous I am? " he asks me with a serious look on his face

I decide to tell him why I was here.

" I came here for answers Beast. Why do I feel a pull towards you? Why is it so easy for me to get lost in your eyes? Why did you kiss me?Why do you keep saving me when you are known for killing and not having a shred of emotion?" I ask him as I search his face waiting for an answer.

" Amaya you are being delusional, there is nothing between us and never will be. I only saved you because you are not on of my enemies or did any harm to me. I kill people who dare defy me or threaten me. I do have no emotion. I kissed you because I am a man and you are a girl, it is my nature." He says to me as if it were the most simplest thing on Earth, as if I really was the fool.

Maybe I really am the fool. Maybe I just got caught up with the idea of a Beast.

I look down back to my hands and laugh and broken laugh.

" I guess you are right Beast. I am thinking into this too much. There is no spark when we touch, there Is no pull between us."  I say with a strong voice but I knew inside my heart broke a little with each word.

Why am I even feeling these stupid emotions for a man that I barley know and who does not even want me?

I get out of bed not even caring that I am in my underwear. As I look around for my pants I spot them on a black chair in the corner of the room and make my way there.

I bend down to pick it up and within a second I am pinned to the wall with a Beast who's eyes are darker than night.

He has my arms pinned against the wall with one hand as the other trailed down my hip to my leg and over the side of my panties.

I bit my lip to hold in a moan.

He starts placing kissing down my neck. I realize what is happening and snap out of it. He just said there is nothing between us and called me basically delusional.

I push him way and give him a smirk.

" Beast did you forget? There is nothing between us and never will be."

I put on my pants and turn around to see a livid Beast.

I run for my life. I barley get down the hall of the castle as I am tackled by a enormous black wolf with glowing brown eyes, his fur think and his white sharp cannies bearing out.He is bigger than me as he stands over me and growls like there is no tomorrow.

I gasp and feel my body shake with fear.

This is the monster I grew up fearing. This is who kills without out hesitating. This is the Beast.

I stay frozen in fear as Beast stares down at me with his intense brown eyes. They are daring me to move.

But I can't, I am to petrified to even blink.  My eyes shut on their own account and a tear rolls down the corner of my eyes leaving a warm trial behind.

" Amaya open those eyes now" I hear Beasts human voice.

I slowly open my peel my eyes open to find Beast looking at me with soft eyes in his human form.

" Leave from here and don't look back. I am dangerous and I will hurt you." He says with no emotion in his voice and only seriousness.

I nod my head. He gets off of my and I am to scared to even look up knowing he is naked. I just get up and run out of the castle.

I came to get answers and I got them. I may not have liked those answers but that's just the way of the world. You can never get the truth without being hurt.

The Possessive BeastWhere stories live. Discover now