Chapter 3| A Shopping Spree Gone Wrong

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Sitting down on the carriage, Luisa has been combing my hair since half an hour ago. We were planning on going to this spree for quite a while but a few events happened, causing us to postpone our trip.

I enjoy our little combing sessions since two months ago, when she started having a hobby of fixing everyone's hair. It became quite an obsession of her's but I support her all the way. Why couldn't I ? When she has been supporting me since we first met. I am sure that she could have been an hair stylist by now if she wasn't picked up by father.

But because I don't know the future or the consequences of what might happen if she hadn't been picked by father, I can't so self-assured that scenario might actually happen. The carriage stopped in front of a beautiful white shop and the next thing I knew, I was being ushered towards the aisles of dresses. Dress after dress, I could only look at it long enough to see either the designer will nod or with shook his head.

I sighed, tiredness growing inside me. The dresses, though look small and frilly, began piling up until it was half as large as my body. I gulped at the sight. I, for sure, will never get used to buying this much clothes. My parents are always in travels and my older brother was at England. Of course, my younger brother will surely hate buying clothes, especially if it is for me and not him.

Once finished buying what we wanted, we headed back to carriage when something glass cracked into pieces. Shouts were heard from the alleyways and instantly, I was curious even though I could already guess what is happening. Before Luisa could take me back to the carriage however, my feet was already ahead of me and before I knew, I was in front of the man and the boy.

The boy, who looked about my age, cowered in fear of what the man could do to him. Fear rushed in me as if I actually drank it. I stood there, unable to move when my mind says otherwise. I tried to move, so badly, but all my body did was auto, screaming at the man to stop.

It didn't took me long to comprehend that the man was already under Luisa's foot and my mouth was still open, strained from shouting.

"Mistress, what shall we do to this man ?" She asked me as she eyed the man under her foot. I was surprised. Was she asking me ? I lost my composure for a minute there and forgot that right now, in this world, I'm a duke's eldest daughter. I coughed and instead of looking at the man, I looked at the cowering boy near the wall. I walked towards him and tugged his short sleeved shirt to make him notice me.

He slightly stopped cowering and opened his eyes. There looking at me was a cute boy's slightly doe eyes. I blushed immediately. Guess hormones do exist in this world..

"Mistress ?" Luisa snapped me out of my head. I shook my head and smiled at the boy before me.

"Are you okay ?" I asked him, trying to sound sincere. He took his hands off his head and I instantly noticed a few streaks of red hair on his blonde head. He stared at me and for a moment, I wondered what was going on in his head. He shook his head slightly and began surveying his surroundings. To me, to Luisa, to Luisa's foot and to the man under it. He then looked at me again and bowed 180 degrees.

"Thank you for your kindness" he thanked me. It would have looked cute if not for the man's groans in the background. That instantly destroyed the atmosphere surrounding me and the boy.

"Hey, do you know this man ?" I asked the boy as I pointed towards the man under Luisa's foot. He shook his head in response and I spun my head towards the man's face. I cocked my head, trying to guess what was the man's motives when his redden cheeks and bloodshot eyes began to become more apparent to me. I sighed. Adults seemed to have nothing to do but to drink this days.

I ordered Luisa to bring the man to an inn somewhere and try to track where his family is. She complied quite easily and I still thank God to this day for giving me such a great martial artist as a nursemaid. I turned my attention back to the boy. I still wonder who he was when he introduced himself.

"Thanks again for saving me" he said with sincereness, " my name is North Peons, it's nice to meet you"

Eh ?

He smiled at me.

Ehhhhhhhhhhh ?!!

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