Chapter 31| A Mother's Anger Should Never Be Reckoned With

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Cannot comprehend ! What is this boy doing to me and why am I not stopping it ?! I screamed within my head before pushing Simon away from me.

"What in good heavens are you doing ?!" I shouted at the boy with anger. He looked at me, surprised before smiling. What was he smiling about ? Didn't he know what he just did was rude and blatantly inconsiderate ? After a few moments of smiling and noticing my confusion, his smile faltered and he sighed.

"Isn't kissing a common greeting between the engaged ?" He asked me. I jerked in surprise. Engaged ? What does he mean by engaged ?! The entire stadium gasped in shock. I turned to Lucas for the answer to my confusion. He caught my eyes and instead of answering, he gave me a bittersweet smile.

He was about to speak when a figure of pure anger entered the premises along with two others. I turned to see who it was, only to meet my mother's raging eyes along with North and Luisa's weapons in hand. How she got it from the two, I didn't know, but by the looks of it, she was ready to kill Simon.

"WHO DARES STEAL MY DAUGHTER'S FIRST KISS ?!" She screeched with her mana flowing out of her uncontrollably. The stadium shook at the sound of her magnified voice and my first thought was, the anger of mothers is a force not to be reckoned with.

At one of her sides, North walked along with her with a grim face. He stared at the boy who stole my first kiss long enough to make anyone intimidated. Lucas looked taken aback before going down the stage.

He walked towards my mother and as calmly as he could, tried to fend for his younger brother.

"Mother-in-law, please don't get mad, I promise you, he'll be thoroughly punished, just please don't kill him" he squeaked in front of mother, who was still glaring at his younger brother.

"You better, because if you didn't, I shall make sure the Aeneas Household will pay !" you may be wondering, why were they causing such a commotion for one kiss ? Yes, that first kiss was something I preserved for the man I might fall in love someday but to people from my previous world, the situation seemed a little absurd.

Well, in this world, a high ranking noble's first daughter (such as myself) are expected to be pure until their martial night. Though this expectation doesn't imply to hugging love ones,  kissing their cheeks and such common gestures, losing their first kisses and their chastity are forbidden. Anyone who dares goes against this rule would be punished and the results would often lead to offending the first daughter's family.

This is why even the word 'rape' isn't found in this world or at least, this continent. The other continents, I'm not so sure. As my mother kept on glaring and shouting in protest, Simon suddenly spoke up.

"Why would I get punished ? I'm her fiancé, it's legal" he said. So he wasn't lying ? But I thought Lucas was my fiancé. I shook my head, unbelieving.

And just when I thought the engagement between me and Arthur was perfectly deflected because Lucas asked my hand first, Simon came into the picture and ruined the whole thing.

My mother stopped protesting. She stared at Simon, contemplating if he was lying or not. When she found out he wasn't lying, she turned to me to explain. I shook my head, indicating that I have no idea how were we related.

She was about to speak again when Lucas intervene.

"Mother-in-law, please" he pleaded, "I'll explain later, for now, Rein and the rest of this competitors still need a competition to win" Mother clenched her fists and gritted her teeth before storming back to her seat.

Just before she, North and Luisa left the grounds, North squinted his eyes at Simon and Lucas and muttered something incoherent. Something to do with 'another obstacle Rein-sama created' ?

Can someone please tell me what obstacle did I create ? Please ?


Hello dear readers ! It's me ! The author ! Another chapter has come out and this chapter has another reason for appearing on your screens other than entertaining you today ! It's my birthday ! *does a awkward happy dance* *notices awkwardness* *sits back*

Anyways, because it's my birthday, I thought I should a little something for my readers. So I thought I should do a Q and A. You readers can ask me, Rein or any of my characters any questions you want ! Just comment your question and who you want to ask your question to. That's all !

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