Chapter 22| Parents

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"Seriously ?!" She said in disbelief before going into a fit of laughter.

"You can't be serious ! We just arrived tonight and your already causing yourself trouble ! Even you exceed my expectations !" She choked out while still laughing to her content. I stood there, watching her while pouting. I couldn't believe this. The very teacher who saved and got saved by me multiple times while on our adventures was laughing at my little blunder.

As she continues her little adventure through the battle of continuous oxygen loss, I began thinking back on my parents. It was obvious my mother was coming. And a run-in between my parents was the last thing I wanted to happen. Who knows what might happen if their annoy each other ?

I didn't notice my teacher stopped laughing until a shifting sound was heard from the carpet Teacher was laying down at. My attention snapped back at her as she stares at the ceiling. Without her noticing it, her youthful body slowly drifts away to show her aged self and though she wasn't young as she looked before the reversion, she looks as regal as any warrior queen could ever be.

I sometimes wonder, would I ever be as regal as her ? Can I actually live up to her expectations of me as my Teacher's apprentice ? I may be young now, but I can still, though now faintly, remember my past life's memories and my past personality. I didn't know how it happened but the more I experience something as Rein Aurelia, the more Arabella's memories began to disappear.

"You know, I can still remember many things that happened to me, some things I want to forget" she took a breath, "and some things I could somehow cherish forever" after some time, she stood up and smiled at me. I looked up at her smiling face and her grandmotherly demeanor slowly refines itself back to the youthful thirty year old woman who entered my room.

"How about we fix you up ? I think North is probably getting worried" I jolted, suddenly remembering that North was still at the tea room, probably a bit worried and alone. I quickly hurried back to the tea room with Teacher.

After apologizing to North several times, I recounted him my little adventure while searching for my guest room. He was quiet until I finally finished my story. But quiet was not the word for his reaction. He stood up of his chair, his face covered by a shadow. With a slow, calm breath, he began ranting in front of me, every word getting louder and louder until finally, he slammed his hands on the table.

"HOW DO YOU DO THAT ?! HOW DO YOU, MISTRESS, GET INTO SO MUCH TROUBLE IN A MATTER OF MINUTES ?! GOD !!!" He finished his rant, quickly sitting back on his chair with as much force as he can use. The tiles squeaked at the sudden force. I scratched my neck, laughing awkwardly as I did so. He sighed in disbelief and I couldn't help but chuckle at his concern and disbelief. Before I could apologize however, a scream of pure anger was heard from a distance.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE ?!" That voice sounded quite familiar but I can't seem to remember who it belongs to.

"I SHOULD BE SAYING THAT TO YOU !" A feminine voice shouted back.

Wait, was that mother ? With a large smash, a most probable expensive item was destroyed. North, Teacher and I ran to the scene.

"My vase !" Teacher shrieked in horror as she watch in despair her broken vase. But I was not concerned over that vase at that moment. With a sword on her hand and a angry expression was my mother, ready to seize my father's life.

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