Chapter 41| Drama ? More Like Karma

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Normally, you wouldn't have any confessions as early as the first day of school. Normally, you would first make friends, then after a couple of years, you'll start to learn that the world is not so small after all and after finishing a long journey, find happiness in wherever you find it.

Sadly, my life is not as normal as I thought it would. Given that I am the villainess in the start, my life was not normal to begin with but still. A girl can dream.

I walked to my homeroom, the sudden confession of Godric of liking me along with Simon, Lucas and North still in my mind. I sighed before shaking my thoughts off and entered the room. To my pleasant surprise, I found out that Helen Cullen, the girl I met in Orientation Day, shares homeroom with me.

I waved, happy to at least see a familiar face. She smiled and waved back before me and all of my classmates settled on our seats. Our teacher entered the room, striding with a sort of strict aura.

"Welcome to your first homeroom, my name is Sheba Quinten, your advisor and Advance Science teacher" she introduced herself, "considering that this is your first day, I would like all of you to introduce yourselves in the order of name, age and family name"

"We'll start from front to back" Miss Sheba finished before taking a piece of parchment and a quill. I relaxed on my seat as I wait for my turn to introduce myself. We started, everyone mentally preparing themselves to what they have to say.

To my pleasant surprise, I was able to recognize some of my new classmates. As my turn slowly reaches me, I began to notice the person seated next to me fumbling with her fingers.

"You alright ?" I asked her, my tone sincere. She looked up from her downward gaze and gave me a nervous smile.

"Y-yep" she stuttered, earning her some snickers from the back.

"What ? Scared or something ?" A haughty girl as her mockingly and my seat mate immediately looked crestfallen. Clenching my fists, I forced a tight smile onto my face.

"I'm sorry miss but she can feel whatever she wants" I harshly whispered towards her, careful not to gain my teacher's attention, "if I know any better, I think your the one who should be scared. Your going to face all these people, not knowing what to expect. She's probably preparing herself to give her best first impression while you wait for your impending doom"

I ended my harsh comment with me swiftly turning my head away from her gaping face. The girl who was formerly crestfallen gave me a  small smile.

"Thank you" she mouthed and I smiled back. She then stood and with a smile, introduced herself.

"My name is Amia, I am in the age of fourteen" she announced, "youngest daughter of Queen Beria and third in line to throne"

From the corner of my eye, I could see the haughty girl turn white as a sheet. I, on the other hand, was gleefully watching her reaction.

Ah, can you hear that ? That's the sweet song of karma.

Hi guys ! I'm so sorry for the late update. I was so caught up with reading the books I bought that I wasn't able to write this in time. But I've got really bad news guys. I'm going on hiatus.

Yes, I know, it's unfortunate but with my school work and responsibilities, I couldn't write as much as I want to. But listen, just because I'm going on hiatus doesn't mean this book will. It'll just be slow updates from now on.

Once again, so sorry, my dear readers. I hope you've enjoyed the story so far and I hope you've come to love the characters as well.

See you soon.

- Tana.

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