Chapter 10.1| North, The Soon To Be Murderer Of A Kidnapping Noble

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As all of you know, my name is North Peons. I was saved along with my friends by Miss Rein and ever since then, we were indebted to her. For the past month, me and my friends has been working for her as servants. But what happened after that was something that surprised me.

Arriving at my hometown after two years in the orphanage at the now damaged town made me bitter once more. And what's worse was that we have to stay there for a whole day ! I thought that surely, that was the end of my misery for today but no ! Fate just had to add one more problem !

It went on like this. I was busy eating my delicious frozen cream scones with Luisa when the third part of the ceremony started. I excitedly looked forward for the match of my savior, Miss Rein, not knowing she was about to surprise me and the entire crowd. Did you ever felt that feeling of happiness of finally getting something you want but then suddenly became disappointed since you were mistaken ? That's what I felt right now.

While I was busily eating, the match between Miss Rein and sharp eyed woman started. From the slacking shoulders the woman had, she and I both didn't know that she was about to face her humiliating defeat. I looked at Miss Rein in awe and moments later, the crowd began to shift towards the arena just to be able to talk to my mistress. I wasn't quite thrilled by their choice of movement. But unfortunately, Luisa and I found ourselves caught in the crowd stampede and was forced to move with their flow.

The truly sad thing ? We couldn't even find the mistress ! How utterly disappointed am I towards myself right now. Before I could regroup with Luisa however, a bombarding voice echoed through out the arena, catching the crowd's attention.

"What is all this commotion about ?!" There, on the flat platforms was my mistress with two unknown males. So that's where she's been. I felt myself breath out a sigh of relief when the young boy began to announce the most absurd news I've heard today.

"I, Godric Rowen Salvador Holowbergh III, hereby announce that this girl on the platform with me, Rein Aurelia, will go under the Queen Dowager, Corona Amelia Septimius, also known as my grandmother, as her pupil"

My jaw fell to the ground. Say what now ? Before I could intervene, he was already pushing my mistress inside a carriage. Why must fate be cruel especially today to me ? After that announcement, the crowd slowly rearrange themselves to their sits. I and Luisa was forced to watch the matches continue while our mistress was going farther and farther away from us. I must admit, I was already annoyed by the time the matches ended.

"This is quite frustrating, North !" Luisa yelled, which was very unlike herself, "Ojou-sama was literally kidnapped by a noble ! What in the world is happening right now ?!"

"Miss Luisa, please get a hold of yourself" I asked her, trying to sound polite only to hear a haggard and annoyed voice come out of my mouth, "the best we could do is report to Miss Rein's mother and afterwards look for her"

She thankfully agreed and we went back to the carriage without our mistress. But I promise you this, when I get my hands on that Godric child, I would murder him for stealing our mistress !

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North almost sound possessive today -_- too possessive -_-'. Anyways, this is the last chapter for now, I was able to steal my phone since there was a festival right now in my hometown. Thanks for reading ! Bye for now ~

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