Chapter 27| Entrance Exams

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I stood just before the Academy Gates, a bag filled with textbooks, parchments and quills on one hand, another with my book of theories, spells and my adventures around the world. I found out while on my travels that I had quite a talent in writing so, to further my talent, I turned this writing skill of mine into a hobby.

Amazingly, by the time I came back to the Main Country, it was already brimming with my handwriting.

With both this items occupying my hand, I went inside the prestigious school grounds. The moment I stepped inside, whispers rippled through the crowds of students and test takers.

"Is that-"

"No way !"

"It can't be.."

I, embarrassed, lowered my head. Just before I could get to my assigned building, a distant screech was heard. Just as I turned around, the screech got louder and more clearly.


That voice sounded familiar. Who in the world has that voice again ? Just before I could think up of any possible people who has the voice that I kept hearing, a young girl, probably eleven or twelve, leaped onto me.

"Sister !" Catherine said with joy.

"Catherine ? What are you doing here ?" I asked her immediately. She pulled away from me, a smile still etched on her face.

"Daddy-ah, I mean, father- brought me here to watch the test takers' matches for preparations"

I honestly didn't have to ask what she was talking about. I knew already that Catherine was to be enrolled into this school after two years. It was probably hearing that I'll be taking the exams two years early that triggered my father's attention to make Catherine gain more knowledge of her future exams.

"I see.." I smiled weakly at her, knowing she was being played by my manipulative father. Soon afterwards, the school bells began to ring, signalling that the exams are about to begin. With a hurried goodbye, I left my sister and went inside my assigned building.

I went inside and though got a bit lost, relieved that I was able to reach my room in time for the instructor to hand out the written exams. After an hour of gruesome writing and doubts even after rereading the answers seven times, the instructor ordered us to stop and with a flick of her hand, the sheets were immediately checked.

"First of all, commoner or noble, right now your in my domain" the woman spoke for the first time, "so whoever has seventy or less (I'm not going to sugarcoat) you failed, proceed outside"

I was surprised. Eighty percent of the people in the room left with faces filled with shame. I, on the other hand, was too scared to look at my paper. But as time passed by, I knew if I didn't look at my paper soon, I'll be kicked out for procrastinating the whole class to go to the next exam.

With a gulp, I opened my eyes to see the score of '99' on my paper. I gaped at the paper, surprised. Maybe reading those books extensively when I was young really paid off. Maybe I just got lucky. But that didn't stop me from feeling proud of my score.

"To those who got seventy-one and higher, congratulations !" She congratulated us, "you passed !"

I could have sworn almost everyone in the room gave a sigh of relief.

"The unfortunate thing is-" she grinned maniacally before raising her hand. For a moment, nothing happened. But suddenly, the ground began to shake and the walls began sinking. Finally, the entire interior fell apart to reveal a stadium full of people.

"Now you have to fight for that five entrance slots !"

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