Chapter 38| The Saalford Siblings

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The first thing that came into mind was why they were there in the first place.

"What the-" I muttered. The students, already wearing their blue robes, had furrowed eyebrows and their hands on their chin. Curious, I walked towards them.

"Excuse me but can you please tell me why here are students blocking the entrance ?" I asked in a kind manner. The student snapped out of his thoughts and stared at me for a while before answering.

"Didn't you know ? Every year, the teachers would enchant the entrance doors to create some kind of challenge. It could be a riddle-making gargoyle, a moving doorknob or anything else the teachers could come up with" he explained, his voice drenched with nostalgia, "this year however, the doors wouldn't budge at all. There was no riddles, challenges nor anybody to give us a hint of how to open it so unless someone has an idea, we're all stuck here" he sighed deeply before immersing himself once more in his train of thoughts.

I thanked him before leaving. A door that wouldn't budge, he says ? I smiled at the challenge. I called out the freshwater from the nearby lakes to help me get pass the crowd. And so the water did. In fierce speed, water surrounded me and I ordered it to whisk me in front of the gates. In a second, I was in front of the gates and a very confused crowd.

I smiled slightly before thanking the water nymphs who sent me the water mentally. I stared at the large gates and immediately I understood. The doors wouldn't budge unless four people, each having a basic element, would press their palm at the doors. I turned back to the crowd.

"Fellow schoolmates, I may have found the solution to this problem" I announced, "do you not notice any difference ? Instead of two knobs, there are four, all without mana. This is very strange of course, since the doors itself are made of mixed mana. For this challenge, I would require three more students, each wielding the element of fire, wind and earth, to come forward" I said in a confident tone and the students obliged.

After three students walked up and willingly volunteered, I told them to examine the knobs before touching it. They all did what I said and after, confirmed that there was no peculiarity of their respective knobs.

"In the count of three.." I once again said.

"One" all of our hands inched closer.

"Two" my hand was so near.

"Three !" In the same time, all of our hands held the knob tight and I was engulfed with a white light. In a second, it dispersed to reveal opened gates and a smiling woman.

"You've found the answer particularly early" she commented, "so, whose the person who thought of the idea ?" She suddenly asked excitedly. I then stopped on my tracks, realizing that the crowd was staring at me.

The woman's eyes went to me too and she grinned.

"You must be Rein Aurelia, a pleasure to meet you" she said, "I am your assigned teacher for this dormitory and I congratulate you for finding the answer in a record time"

In my mind, I had this sudden feeling that I may have become somewhat of an out of place character. I then realized, with my current status, I was bound to become one sooner or later. I let out a small sigh of misery before shaking my head, reminding myself that there was still a person in front of me, waiting to be greeted too.

I gave my best smile.

"The pleasure is all mine, humble teacher" I replied. Her eyes lit up, satisfied with my reply. The crowd slowly dispersed as she then looked at the three other students who helped in opening the doors along with me. They all fidgeted and I realized that they too are first years.

"And you must be Maura and Garan, the twins of the Saalford Household" the two humbly smiled. The Saalford Household ? Aren't they a family of knights ? I best check with Godric since he has better memory than me.

"And Seth, welcome back ! How's summer ?" She asked with a soft tone.

"It was great, Ma'am Kaitlin" Seth mumbled before heading towards the dorms.

"His an avid fan of books in the library so he already knows where is where" she explained as she brought me and the twins to the counter.

"Here are both of your keys" she said as she dropped the keys to the two siblings' expecting hands.

"And here's yours" she told me and gave me the keys gently. The keys landed on my palm and I stared at it for a moment, relinquishing the feeling of knowing I'll be living alone from now on. She went out of the counter and began to explain the history of Seven Heights and how the dormitories were made.

"When the founders of Septimius were young and new to the affairs of running a kingdom, they realized that they needed a place for their people to study and learn. Of course, we all know there are three founders" she showed us the number three with her hands.

We all nodded and just like children singing their favorite nursery rhyme, we recited the song our teachers made sure of sticking inside our heads.

Three young folk of fame known yet.
Went out to seek treasure still not met.
Names wished to be remembered by,
Are now the former queens and kings to our eyes.

Sir Aglio, knight still not known,
Madam Ricotta of House Sacrone,
And the leader of the trio we know so small
Is Damien of the mysterious Machalls.

"First King Damien was the one who first thought of this school and after a while, the three founders agreed on naming it Seven Heights Academy" she explained.

"But unfortunately, just after they established this school, Madam Ricotta and the First King fought. Some scholars say that the reason was unknown but rumors state that it was because of something hidden in this very school" with that, she let silence fall.

I turned to my companions, both their mana suddenly seeping out. I studied their faces, both looking visibly shaken. Maura was the first to notice me and pinched Garan. Garan immediately stopped his mana and with a quick goodbye, the siblings left, leaving me with a strange feeling.

I'm BACK ! Sorry for the long wait everyone ! It's been hectic here but for me, it's finally summer ! Which means, more updates !

*throws confetti*

Hope you enjoyed this chapter !

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