Chapter 33| Blond Boys And My Mother Who I'm Currently Scared Of

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My prediction was correct. It was the longest ten minute break I ever took. But not for the reasons you think.

My mother sat there, stone-faced as she listened to Simon's story. She was unexpectedly quiet about it, not speaking until Simon finished a good portion of the explanation. After he spoke, mother stared at Simon long enough to make me feel a bit worried about her. Did she became so shocked that she temporarily stopped functioning ?

I fidgeted on my seat, waiting for my mother's verdict. Once in a while, my eyes would meet Lucas, who was fiercely watching me with those sharp eyes of his. The thought of what he said to Simon back at the stadium was enough to make me smile.

He complimented me.

He actually complimented me.

And there goes all my composure. I smiled warmly at the young president, who immediately covered his face. I should really thank him for the kind words he said. I chuckled mentally, maybe when my mother isn't ready to kill his younger brother.

"Lucas, first of all, why didn't you win ?" She unexpectedly asked the boy. The boy's shoulders' sagged, his face twisting into a bitter smile.

"And don't even think of lying, boy" mother said, "I know you passed the written exams as the highest and won the second round with high praises from authorities"

"I-I suppose your right" he agreed, "the truth was that I couldn't bear to make my brother lose hope"

"After visiting you, Rein" he looked at me briefly before speaking once again, "he started talking about you, the way he talked about you like your was the center of his universe, his true love, made me falter" he looked at mother.

"Even though he and I are trying to gain Rein's hand in marriage, his still my brother, I still care for him" he said confidently.

Mother stared at him harshly before breaking into a smile. I sighed in relief. She's not mad.

"You know, a lot of boys at your age and below had started flooding the house with letters of matchmaking for my dear daughter" she said fondly, like she enjoyed what was happening back in the house. I shuddered, I much rather have my own personal time than waste it on letters of declination.

"But you, your different" she complimented him, "too bad I'm already supporting someone else for my daughter's hand in marriage" I swiftly turned towards my mother, confused.

"Ahh, I see" Lucas said as his eyes shifted from my mother to North and Luisa, "does it have something to do with blond boys, may I ask ?" Mother and Lucas chuckled simultaneously.


I was about to say something when the speaker began calling all contestants back to the stadium. What great timing.

I shuffled from my seat and left the two alone, still worried of where their conversation was heading. Blond boys ? The only blond boys I know is North and his like a brother to me, so we can cross him out of the list. I walked out of the hallway, still furrowing my eyebrows for answers.

Who could it possibly be ?


Hello, my dear readers ! It is I, the author, the one who wasn't able to update for a week ! I truly sorry, guys ! With all my school work, I simply couldn't find the time to write chapters.

I'll also be changing the schedule for updates. As you know, I typically update every week a chapter or two. But since my schedule is packed with homework and projects, I'm forced to update every two weeks, starting today.

Thank you for understanding !

- Author-chan

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