Chapter 25.1: Simon's Blind Love

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My name is Simon Kiefer, the second eldest son and heir to the Aeneas House. Currently, I am twelve years old and well, I'm currently studying at Seven Heights Academy, one of the most prestigious schools of this countries. In actuality, I was supposed to be homeschooled but after hearing that my fiancé, Rein Aurelia, was to study there, I may or may not have tampered my own academic files and subsequently face forced acceptance from my parents along with its reasonable punishment.

Yes, all for a girl I barely knew.

But the thing was, I'm in love with her. Even I know it was pitiful. It was so obvious that my love for her is only one-sided, that she will probably never accept my feelings, never reciprocate it. Not once at the time she traveled around the world did she bothered to send me a letter even once.

I know.

I know my love for her is blind.

And yet..

I still love her.

And it all started one afternoon. I was visiting a noble's house along with my father to gain experience as the next head of the House, not even bothering to search nor question my father's intentions. I learnt from a young age that if I ever oppose my parents that I would have to face harsh punishments. What do you expect from a family made of warriors and noble elites ? Tears were for weaklings, made only for those who wanted to be trampled.

As I sat on one of the couches in the living room, I caught sight of a girl with brown hair. It was quite unusual, since most people (noble or not) would have pink, yellow or green hair. Intrigued, I silently called out for her. She, however, did not listen but instead ran off away from me.

I sighed, irritated by the girl's incompetence. As I once again relaxed at my chair, the girl suddenly appeared but this time, was beckoned by my father's friend to come over. She slowly went to the woman's side and turned towards my gaze with one of the most lifeless smiles I have ever saw. It was as if she lost all hope in this world and I couldn't help but sympathize towards the older woman.

"Simon, this is Rein" the woman introduced the girl to me. I studied the girl, watching how she would react towards me, only to get no reaction at all. I rose my eyebrow but t didn't say anything else.

"Rein, Simon" the woman said to her child, suddenly acting cold.

The child turned toward her mother with disappointed eyes but hid it with a fake smile of her own. I continue to stare at her, almost bewildered at how plastic everyone seems to be in this house. As I quietly sighed in disbelief, the girl-I mean, Rein came towards me.

She stared at me with such sharp eyes that I couldn't help but wonder if she was truly just a four years old. What position am I to say ? I'm just a six year old yet I could already differentiate who has ulterior motives and those who does not. After countless minutes, she relaxed herself and smiled.

My eyes widen, surprised at how this smile seems so sincere yet the smile I saw earlier was not.

"My name is Rein Aurelia" she extended her hand, "let's be friends, okay ?"

This was the moment I felt my heart skipped a beat. She looks adorable !

I found myself taking her hand and smiling back at her.

"Simon Kiefer" I shook her hand, "nice to meet you, Rein"

Whatever I did seemed to have worked some magic, since she started blushing. This just made her look more kawaii than ever. I laughed, much to her protest.

"Hey, don't laugh at me !" She ordered me, causing me to laugh harder. She pouted and ran after me. Not wanting to stop laughing, I ran away from her. This continued until early afternoon, where I finally lost all energy to run. I sat on the nearest thing I could find and just before I could finally relax, I saw her running towards me. But just before she could finally reach me, she stumbled on her own dress and fell.

I was about to help her when she stood up and brushed herself.

"Are you okay ?" I asked her as I went to where she was standing.

"I'm fi-ouch !" She said in surprise. She looked at the back of her left arm, only to see a large graze.

"Stay here, let me get you a first aid kit" I told her. She nodded and I bolted inside the Aurelia Summerhouse in top speed. Soon, I was finally able to find what I was looking for and ran where I left Rein.

"Show me the graze" I told her. She silently resigned and I was able to treat her wound.

"Don't worry, it's nothing serious, just a graze, it'll heal in no time !" I said enthusiastically.

"Thank you, big brother" !" She thanked me with the cutest smile that I couldn't resist squishing her chubby cheeks.

"Cute.." I muttered. The girl however, did not appreciate it and slapped the back of my hand.

"Hey !" I cried out. We both stared at each other for a moment until we broke out in laughter.

"You'll make a fine husband, big brother !" She complimented me afterwards. I blushed a bit, smiling.

"Thank you, Rein" if only all the girls I meet are like her and not just some pests hovering around to gain status. I then remembered what my mother said.

'Compliments are meant to be given back' I nodded to myself, also planning on complimenting her.

"And you will make a great wife for me" I blurted out. We both caught this however and we instantly fell into the shade of red.

"I-I mean-" I stammered, not knowing what to say next.

"It's okay, big brother" she assured me, "I hope I make a good wife for you one day"

I looked at her, quizzed. What did she mean by-

"Simon, it's time to go home !" My father called out. I looked at Rein one more time before waving goodbye.

The best part of that day was when we were going home. My father suddenly asked me a question if I like Rein. Thinking he was probably asking if I like her as a friend, I nodded, not bothering to show him any lingering feelings I think might bloom for Rein.

"I do, father" I replied. He smiled at me and nodded at approval.

"Then that's great !" He said happily, "because she'll be your future wife from now on"

So that's what she meant from the earlier statement ?

As my father pouted for my lack of reaction, I smiled. Maybe it wasn't so bad after all. I didn't realize that soon, my feelings for her will only intensify until I meet her once again.


Just a little gift from me, the author to you, the readers.

Hi my wonderful readers ! It is I ! The author of this book ! Since I'm have reached Chapter 25, I would like to ask you all one question.

How do you like it so far ?

Yes, I know. My question seems a bit ordinary.  But as much as I enjoy writing this book, I also enjoy your comments and the votes you all are giving me. And I would like to hear what you think of my book so far. I wouldn't have reached this far if not for all of you readers, after all.

So I would really appreciate it if you answer this question of mine. Thank you !

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