With You

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Request for DolanAmy I hope you like it!

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Request for DolanAmy I hope you like it!

Grayson Imagine 



"Hey what's up gu-" None of us was doing the intro correctly. 

"What's up guys? We're b-" Another try and still, the eight of us couldn't get it. 

"This intro is going to take six years!" Ethan's hands tugged at his hair in frustration making everyone laugh. 

"Okay, okay, one more time." Grayson laughed as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to his chest. 

"What's up guys? We're back! Ayyyyyyyyyyy!" Everyone burst out into a fit of claps and roars for we got the intro with only a couple of tries. 

"Okay, so as you can see, we are not alone today! Our warehouse is gonna be cramped for the next fourteen hours wi-" Ethan's voice was cut off by Shane's, 

"Wait fourteen hours?" 

"He likes to exaggerate." I butt in making Ethan pout slightly. 

"I do not! It's a time estimate because I know we are going to be too busy laughing to complete everything." 

"That's probably true." Jack, Cameron's boyfriend agrees as she hugs and kisses him on the cheek for not being camera shy, something he is prone to doing. 

"Okay so as E was saying, we are not alone so today we have my baby Amy, Cameron with her boyfriend Jack, Ethan with his girlfriend Olivia and Shane Dawson with his boyfriend Ryland Adams! And today we are going to be doing-" 

"Battle of the couples!" Once again, we burst out into a fit of chuckles, I guess Ethan was right. 

"So with any battle, we are going to do challenges, the couple to do more of or do it first basically wins a point. The couple with the most points wins the battle!" Cameron explains to the viewers. 

"First challenge! So one partner will be in the foam pit and the other will be on top the ramp above it. The person below will try to throw as much on top within a one minute time frame and then the person on top will try to grab all of them and take them down to the other wall without dropping any, you drop one, you carry on, it just won't be included in the count. Also the one with the most foam cube wins." I announce to the camera and I can practically feel their pain of the challenge to come. 

"This is going to be easy!" Ethan screams as he jumps in to the pit along with Cameron, Ryland and Grayson. 

"Ready, set, go!" Shane screamed with his hands out ready to catch any foam  cube that came his way. 

"Throw! Throw! Throw!" All of us literally shouted to the ones down below that were having hard time trying to get the foam cubes up to us. 

"We are trying!" They shouted as well along with a few groans due to frustration. 

"This was supposed to be easy!" Ethan shouted as he threw one to Olivia's feet and luckily, she caught it before it fell. 

The foam cubes were coming along with fifteen minutes on the clock. All of our hands were full with foam cubes when the timer beeped and immediately, we all maneuvered our way down the ramp with tremendous trouble. Each of us had to keep going back for them whilst the others already got out and were cheering us on. 

With a quick sprint to the finish line, Shane proved successful by finishing with ten foam cubes clutched tightly in his hands and the rest of us trailed behind. Jack had eight, Olivia had nine and I had seven so clearly, Shane won and ran to his boyfriend Ryland to kiss him shouting, "We won! We won!" 

"So next challenge!" Shane was slightly out of breath from the running but still, he managed to announce the next challenge, "We are going to be skateboarding five times up and down the ramp then you are going to come down the other ramp onto the ground and race to the others in the trampoline who are going to be jumping and chucking random things at us which we all have to catch without going off the skateboard within one minute then turn around and race back without dropping anything." 

"This seems a little hard." Jack pouted towards the camera as he got in the trampoline with Olivia, Ryland and I. 

"Okay, are you guys ready? Go!" Olivia shouted at the others for them to start skating. 

In no time, they were all off the ramps and began heading our way where we threw random thins at them. It was really funny actually, they were struggling to keep everything in their hands and to not step off the board making us all laugh. When the timer went off, they all turned around and raced back with Cameron touching the wall with the most toys. 

Time went by quickly with the other six challenges. Cam and Jack had two along with Eth and Olivia  as well as Shane and Ryland so, the winner was Grayson and I with Grayson scoring the winning two points against the rest of them.

"Okay guys! So there you have it, battle of the couples with both of winning which was really fun if I may add." I smiled towards Grayson who was currently snuggling in the crook of my neck with a smile. 

"Yeah it was, we should definitely collab more." Cameron said making us all agree for it was true, all of us was smiling like idiots with Grayson and I more than them because we won  so we felt on top of the right now. 

"If you liked this video or liked our pain give it a thumbs up." Grayson showed  a thumbs up to the camera along with the rest of us. 

"We post twice a week, so come back!"

"Yeah we post every twice a week!" Ethan mimicked Grayson as we all stood in a line in front of the camera. 

"We'll see you next time on a Tuesday!" We all held up a peace sign and jumped backwards in the foam pit. 

"Oh my god I almost ate one!" Shane had to spit out a piece of purple which had us laughing for the millionth time today. 

"Did you like it?" Grayson came up behind me and grasped me in his embrace where he kissed my neck repeatedly until I answered.

"Yes, I did. Thank you for winning the last two points. It was really fun." 

"You know I wouldn't mind having another battle of the couples as long as it's with you." 


Aw cute. I tried something new I guess. I hope you like it Amy!

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