Chapter 4

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  The rest of the car ride was filled with music that Cody had taken over since he was in control of the aux cord. Josh kept driving with a small smile and Tyler sat there awkwardly and quietly.  The car eventually stoped at a white house that was small but wide. Cody hopped out of the car almost trippig over the side of the car as Tyler opened his door closing it gently and Josh removed the keys. "I'll meet you guys inside!" Cody yelled already half was to the door.
"Don't mind him he's usually not like this but let's just say he started drinking before the party." Josh said laughing slightly. 

  The two made their way to the white house what Tyler expected  was Brandon's. Josh went to go knock on the door but before he had the chance to the door flung open.  "Jesues Brendon you scared me." Josh said.
"Well sorry you were taking to long and were already kinda out of beer." Brendon stated scratching the nap of his neck.
"Isn't there only like 10 people here well it be 12 including me and Tyler how do you run out that quickly?"
"Well um I don't know it just happens anways your the only sober one so why don't you and Ty go pick up some more beer."
"I may be the sober one but I'm also seventeen and you're the only dumb one that has a fake ID."
Brendon sighed. "I knew this day would come." He throws him a small squar of plastic.
"I can't break the law!"
"Everyone does it you'll be fine." And with those last words Brendon walked back into the house.

"Sorry about all of this Tyler." Josh said with a sigh.
Tyler was actually laughing seeing how stupid and drunk the one with the big forhead was acting and how flustered Josh was getting with him was.
"No it's okay." Tyler said with a smile.
"Wow I've actually never seen you do that. Are you okay? " Josh jocked as Tyler rolled his eyes.

The two boys went back into the car. "So since I know nothing about you, what are some things I should know?" Josh asked.
"There's nothing that interesting about me,  I mean I love fast food, I hate bananas, I don't like going out doors, I play basketball and I can play the key board. That's about it."
"Sounds pretty interesting to me."
"It's really not,  what about you?"
"Hmmm let's see I also love fast food, I okay the drums, not very well but I play. I  listen to mostly alternative music though in the car my little sister Ashlee plays whatever she wants. I also have three siblings, Abby,   Jorden and Ashlee. And that's about it for me."
"Amazing." Tyler stated.

They both got the beer and headed back to Brandon's house. "Thanks for tagging along even though I know you don't like party's."
"No problem I would have probably just sat up in my room all day anyways." Tyler stated and they both waled in the house.
"Thx pale." Brendon said grabbibg the beer from josh and heading into the kitchen.

Josh took a seat on the couh and Tyler took a seat next to him. "Josh you made it." Said a girl with orangeish redish hair.
"Oh hey Debbie." Said Josh looking a slight bit uncomfortable and he got up walking over to Brendon.
"Why is she here?" Josh asked.
"She's your girlfriend isn't she?" Brendon asked.
"Yeah..." He sighed walking back over to Tyler who looked more or less confused.

Josh was forced to date Debbie by his parents thinking it would change the thought of him being gay. No still gay and it didn't help that Debbie was awful.

"You okay?" Tyler asked and Josh nodded.
"Okay..." Tyler didnt belive him but he nodded along with it.
The night came to and end rather quickly and Josh took Tyler home.
"Thanks again for tagging along." Josh said.
"Thanks for inviting me."

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