Chapter 13

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First day back from winter break, that's all Tyler could think about. He was so caught up in the moment that he didn't relize school started back up today. He knew that he would be the schools news, since it was a small town nothing stayed a secret. There would be questions to why Tyler tryed to kill himself and why he wasn't in a hospital right now. At the same time he could care less, none of those People  mattered to him, he had a good hand full of freinds and a love intrest. He wouldn't call Josh his boyfriend yet, since they never did make it official but they were definitely dating, secretly though no one new not even the group.

Hey, did you still want me to give you a ride?
Josh texted.
Yeah that would be great
Alrighty I'm on my way I also have Cody and Halsey so just to let you know.
Okay sounds good

"Mom I'm heading out!" Yelled Tyler as he was about to open the door and walk outside his mother called his name.
"Tyler wait," she walked towards him. "Are you sure going to school today is a good idea? Your welcome to stay home as long ad you want or need."
"It's okay mom, I want to go back."
"Are you ill?" She felt his head, "I've never heard you say those words."
"I relized that I've been acting is a lot better than it was there...i have freinds now who care about me and I didn't have that there."
Kelly looked surprised but none the less relived. "Okay well I love you."
"Love you too." He ran outside and waited for Josh's car to pull in front of the drive way. Which it did.

"Hey." Josh said as Tyler slipped in the front.
Off to school they went, with Cody yelling about how Maxx keeps hanging out with other guys and ignoring him, and how Halsey doesn't like the fact that Hayley now has a boyfriend.
"Hayley has a boyfriend?" Josh asked.
"Yeah she's dating some prep named I don't know." Halsey.
"That's a great name." Tyer commented.
"Now I'm single and alone." Halsey sighed.
"What about Dallon?" Asked Cody.
"What about em?"
"Don't what about em me, you obviously like him." Josh said with a smile.
"Hush." Halsey said with a smile.
"Cute." Tyler commented.
"I know something else that's cute." Josh said with a smile.
"I swear if you go all tumbler on me I'm going to kill someone. " Tyler replyed.
Josh just laughed and parked the car, getting out as same as the others.

The group sat at the lunch table, laughing and smiling at one another's joke's or stupid comments.
"Guys I have some bad news." Brendon said dropping the mood down a little.
"What is it?" Asked Ryan who was siting next to Hayley.
"I'm moving." He said with a sigh.
"Your what?" ALL of them said at once, gawking and spitting rndom comments in between the lines of what just happened and what is yet to come.
"My dad is shipping me off to my moms, saying how a hand full I have become, now he has me during the summer."
"Oh wow...." Ryan said looking absolutely heart broken.
"Hey I'll be okay, your mom only lives two hours away so once I get my license we can all drive down to see you." Hayley said.
"Good idea." Brendon said.
"It still won't be the same." Dallon said almost crying but was comforted by the guy with the big forhead.
"Yeah I know but at least it's something."
The whole lunch period was silent, Ryan looking the most upset in all of this.

"Hey Ry, can we talk in the hall?" Tyler asked.
Ryan stepped away from his locker and walked by Tyler who was by the chemistry lab. "Whats up?" He asked.
"You okay? You seem the most affected by Brendon leaving." Tyler said, looking at how sad the boy really is.
"Yeah I'm fine...."
"Okay maybe I'm not fine...Brendon is my best freind and I love him I don't want him to move away becuase what if he forgets about me?"
"He would never forget about you, you guys will still talk and no one will replace you. But I have a feeling that you love him more than just a freind." Tyler now apparently a love expert was looking at Ryan for an answer.
"Maybe I do....maybe I dont..."
"I think you do, and that's okay but tell him before it's to late." Tyler smiled once more before walking to find Josh.

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