Chapter 12

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Christmas day, what a joy the name of that holiday brought most people. Josh was sitting in his room, alone. Why he wasn't downstairs celebrating? He planed to go to the hospital and still made sure his freind had a great Christmas. If anyone knew how to turn an awful station into something amazing it would be Hayley, so with Brendon and Ryan on food duty, Maxx and Cody on present  duty, Halsey and Dallon on decoratin duty that left Josh and Hayley for evrything else.
Tyler was asleep now, acroding to his mom who was also on in on the plan, he texted Dale to start decorating his room up.
"This is going to be amazing!" Hayley shouted from the other end of the phone.
"My ears." Josh laughed out.
"Your gonna tell him right?"
"I don't know...confessing in a hospital after he just tried to you know..."
"Yeah but think about it. It would adorable."
"I'll think about it.."
"You better."
"Okay I'm picking you up at 12 so that's in twenty minutes."
"Yes sir!"
He laughed again before hanging up.
He quickly got dressed and ran downstairs to be attacked by his little sister, who was still in her pj's. "Morning Abby." He laughed again.
"Merry Christmas!!" She shouted happily.
"Took ya long enough to get down here." Ashlee smiled. "How's the Tyler thing going, you still got all of your plans intact?"
"Yep, it's going great!"
Ashlee smiled at how happy her brother was.

Josh wished his mom a Merry Christmas before running to his car to go pick up Hayley. Josh was filled with all sorts or emotions mostly good ones but there were a few that scared him. Josh really liked Tyler, the feeling he got around Tyler was like nothing he ever felt. He felt happy and smily, and couldn't help but laugh around him. He felt attached like a magnet and wanted him to be his earned for the attention from him...more than a freind. Sadly there was another part of him that couldn't help but worry.
He'll just think your disgusting
A gay fagot like you freinds with someone like him?
Your the reason he's hurt.
Stupid drummer boy.
Kill yourself already 
No one like you.
Josh stopped the car. Maybe this wasn't a good idea. No it wasn't...but he loved Tyler not as  much romantically as he did in genral, he  wasn't going to let his inner demons tell him other wise.


Hayley, Josh, Cody, Maxx, Brendon and Ryan jumped out of the car. "Here's the plan, Bren and Ryan go in and see if Hayley and Dallon are done yet and then start setting up the food, then text Maxx and him and Cody will set up the presents but do it quietly." Josh stated.
They all nodded doing what there supose to as Hayley garded the door like the bad ass she was.


Tyler's eyes lifted themselves open, as they were whimsly blinded by Christmas lights, there was all sorts of decortins. There was a small Christmas tree that had milllons of presents, a table filled with McDonald's, Taco Bell, cakes and so much candy. Brendon, Ryan, Dallon, Hayley, Halsey, Maxx and Cody all yelled Marry Christmas. "You guys are amazing!" Tyler cried.
Josh walked in. "Merry Christmas Tyler."
"Did you do all of this?"
Josh smiled with a slight nod.
Tyler got out if his bed, stumbling a bit before throwing himself at Josh. "Thank you much."
Josh's arms grasped around the taller boy letting out a small laugh. "Of course."
"Dale." Halsey said holding out her hand for something.
Dallon showed a smirk for an answer, placing something small in her hands then throwing her up on his shoulders.
Halsey held up a peace of mitsole toe under the two boys.
The sound of Hayley laughing and cheering ruined the moment and made it obvious  but none of them mined sense we all know we would do the same thing.
Tyler looking above him to saw what the girl was gawking about. Josh did the same and was almost to jerk away, he didn't exactly know what to do, he didn't know if the two were serous and he definitely didn't know how Tyler felt. Tyler smirked at the two, and planted a simply kiss on Josh's check before returning back to his bed.
Dallon placed Hayley down as the whole crowed looked disappointed but Josh who, seemed to stutter over his words, his hand still paced where Tyler had once been.
Cody shook Josh, "Nurse! We need a nurse!"
"Shut up," Josh said rolling eyes, "Anyways we should open gifts now."
They all agreed, Brendon grabbed a gift reading the name and handing it to Hayley. "From Josh," she read with a smile. Opening it she saw she got some orange hair dye and concert tickets to a green day concert. "This is great." She said.
"I better be getting that other ticket." Halsey stated.
"You are."


Everyone left but Josh, Tyler was on the point of sleep and was holding Josh's hand. "Tyler I still have your present." Josh said taking out a rectangular shaped box.
"You didnt have to get me anything."  Tyler said tiredly.
He sighed taking the box, and gently and carefully pealing the wrapping paper back to reval a ukulele with his name carved into it. "'s gorgeous."
"Do you like it?" Josh asked.
"I love it."
"Good, I'm glad."
"Hey Josh?"
"Do you remember when you dropped me off from Brendons party?"
He nods.
"What were you going to tell me?"
Josh went quiet.
"You can tell me."
"No I can't."
Josh sighed, his hands grouping the end of his jacket, sweat forming at his hair line and his throat grew dry.
"Please....I really want to know I promise you I want judge you for anything."
"Tyler you don't understand."
"Then make me "
Josh wanted to, he wanted to tell Tyler how much he liked him, but Tyler didn't even know he was gay. What if Tyler didn't like gays, or what if he was disgusted by the fact that he liked him. So many thoughts started to go through his brain that he started to panic. Tears formed in his eyes and his breaths grew sharp and quick, Tyler squeezed his hand with worry, bringing his other hand to his face to gently wipe away his tears.
"I r-really want to...b-but I cant."
"Josh, your my best freind, you can tell me anything."
Drawing a deep breath, "O-okay, so...I-im not into girls...the only reason why me and Debbie started dating was becuase my dad wanted me to be straight, he didn't want his eldest to be gay. I thought if I really tried then  just maybe I would be okay. But then I met you, you screwed everything up, but I was okay with it, it wasn't even your looks  that captivated me, it was just you, you being you amazed me and I fell for that. I was not not was...I am  still so scared that this is going to mess up are friendship...I don't want that...I really, really don't want that." At this point Josh was crying in full on sobs, chocking on a sentence now and then.
Tyler stared at him, his eyes misty and if he blinked his eyes would spill. "J-jos-
"It's okay Tyler...I know you don't feel the sa-
He was quickly cut off by something warm on his lips, shocked but gave in closing his eyes as his tears slowly came to an end, billowing  down his cheeks. Tyler pulled away slowly opening his eyes. "I do feel the same."
He stated.
"Y-yeah I can see that now."
Tyler let out a small laugh by how red Josh's face was.
"So um when you get out of here do you maybe wanna get dinner or something?"
"Like a date?"
"Y-yeah like a date."
"I would love to."

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