chapter 21.

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The opening to the school was flooded by kids rushing to the bus, or home. With no direction and everyone running everywhere at once, it was what you could say hectic.  Tyler was basically cowering behind Josh, who was trying to push who was trying to push through to bus 25.

"Hey did you still want to come over?" Jobs asked Tyler who was literally falling into the bus.

"Yeah, I do." He smiled which he didn't notice he did.
"You smiled."

"Did I?" He felt his face sounding more astonished than he should have.

"Yeah, you did." This caused Josh to smile which caused Tyler to smile again and this continued until the bus stopped at the end of Josh's driveway.   
They ran into the house enterable part of the house, slipping off their bags and sinking into the couch.

"How do you think your first day went?" Josh asked

"Better than I expected, but it was only because of you and the guys. I hope you know that without you I wouldn't have been able to get through today. That may sound stupid and cliche but its true."

"I can't promise I'm always going to be here, that's not realistic. Though I do promise that as long as we are together; as long as we are friends I will be there whenever and whatever you need. Okay?"

He nodded feeling anxious all of a sudden. Beads of sweat formed around his hairline; his heart was almost certain about to beat out of his chest. The air around him almost seemed unbreathable resulting into a headache.

"Tyler, breath." He was guessing it was one of his panic attacks.

"I-I can't." At just the snap of someone's fingertips, he started sobbing. "I can't do this. I don't want to live my life in fear..and I know you're confused. I am sorry about that. I do want you to know that it's not your fault. The way I'm acting, the way I've been acting, it's not you're  fault."

Tyler was right about one thing; Josh was recently confused by all stretches of the means. He didn't really know what to do or say so he tried his best to comfort his boyfriend.

"I want to tell you... I do and I will but on some parts, you're going to need to connect the dots..."

Nodding in understatement Tyler began; "On my way walking home from the park I felt as if there were eyes on me. Like it was weighing me down almost. The next thing I know there's a guy. I wake up in an alleyway...sore and I'm guessing you can figure out what phones in between."

There's been a lot of jaws dropping moments but this, this had to be the worst one. "Tyler..." Is all he could say before he started tearing up.

Everything felt like a noose. Tight and uncomfortable which made them not able to breathe. 

"I'm going to court. I already told my parents and they're doing everything they can. I just wanted you to know."

"I know that was hard...well I don't I've never gone through that. I can't begin to tell you how strong you are."

"You don't need to," He leaned his head on his shoulder starting to fall asleep. "I love you."

He looked down at Tyler to make sure he heard him correctly but he was already asleep. A small smile crept across his face. "I love you too."

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