Chapter 9

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It had been almost a month since Tyler had changed schools, he had gotten better at talking to people in his freind group. It was almost Christmas which of course ment one of Brendons amazing parties, Tyler was getting ready, waiting to get a text from Josh saying when he would be at his place to pick him up.

After a text was sent twenty minutes ago there was a small knock on the door. Tyler, already knowing who it was, ran to the door and opening it to reveal his beast freind. "You ready?" Josh asked.
Tyler simply nodded and they made there way to his car.
Maxx, Cody and Dallon were sitting in the back, and Tyler popped in the front seat as Josh got in the driver's seat and started the car.
"ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS ISSSSSS........YOUUUUUUUUUU!!!!" Maxx and Cody screamed in unsound at the holiday classic that was playing on the radio.
"I'm going to need so many drugs to get this headach to go away." Dallon whined holding his head.
"I think Dale here is trying to say something about your boys singing." Tyler said with a laugh.
"No I'm fucking amazing." Cody said with a smirk.
"What ever helps you sleep at night." Maxx said with a laugh.

As soon as they got there Halsey ran up and jumped on Josh's back almost making him fall over. "Geez child, one of these days I'm actually going to drop you."
"Yeah well ill wait for that." She jumped down. "Heya Tyler how's it been." She said soilting him.
He laughed and soluted back, "I talked to you like an hour ago so nothings really changed."
"We'll lucky you, Hayley broke my fucking hair dryer trying to make hair dyer pancakes." Halsey said.
"It was a D.I.Y!!" Yelled the brightly orange colored girl from the balcony.
"Yeah well your stupid DIY costed me my blow dryer! Well anyhow I'm gonna go kidnap Patrick and make him take me to walgreens to get candy because I want drugstore candy." She ran inside leaving the five, well now for since Dallon ran off, to vend for themselves.

Tyler and Josh sat outside where it was cooler, evrything inside was a bit hetic, and even though Tyler was getting use to all of these people he still had moments where he phisicly could not do social things what so ever. He would catch himself staring at Josh every once in a while, not really knowing why....well he did know why but he wasn't ready to admit that to himself yet....or was he?
He felt strange around Josh, but a good type of strange, like a comfortable silence that didn't need talking type strange, but the feelig he got just was a new feeling he didn't quiet understand yet. "Earth to Ty." Josh said waving his hand up and down.
Tyler playfully pushed it away trying to hide his embrasment for getting caught staring.
"You okay?" Josh asked.
Tyler nodded again.
"If you say so."

Later that night evryone in the room decided to play a game of truth or dare. "Alrighty, hmmmmm Beebo truth or dare?" Halsey asked while eating her sour patch kids.
"Dare duh."
"Okay Mr. Hotshot I dare you to kiss anyone in the room that's not me or Hayley becuase I will kill you."
"You two are the only girls here though."
"Fuck you."
"No thanks."
Brendon glanced around the room and eventually sighed and turned to his right pecking Ryan on the lips. "Wouldn't be the first time I kissed him." Ryan said with a laugh.
"Oh shut up, anyhow Josh, truth or dare?" Brendon asked.
"Okay if you were able to take anyone you want to a blink-182 concert who would it be?"
"Probably Tyler because he wouldn't get me arested."
"True," Brendon would have to agree he could be a little not carfull around anything at all.
"Hey I've actually drove your ass to a blink-182 concert." Pete corected.
"Touche." Josh stated.
"Holly shit for once Josh didn't drive someone somewhere." Cody yelled with a laugh.
"Honestly im pretty sure I had to drive half way there after Pete got tired."
"Why doesn't that surprise me?" Hayley asked.
"What happened to our game?" Brendon asked.
"It died." Tyler said.
"RIP!" Halsey called out before falling over.

As the night almost came to an end, Josh and Tyler went back to the car and waited for the others to say goodbye, which in Tyler's opion, took a life time. "So what did you think of tonight?" Josh asked curious to what the boy thought.
"I actually had fun." He smiled with his head down.
"That's great, I'm really glad."
Tyler sat I sience, but his face showed a sign of happiness.
Cody soon hopped in the back, "Heyyyy lover boys!" He cooed.
"Cody, your drunk." Said Jish with a laugh, but obviously blushing pink from his comment.
"N-no! Your drunk!" Cody crossed his arms like a two year old.
Maxx stepped in the other side laying his head on Cody shoulder before closing his eyes.
"Great now I'm in a pillow." Cody sighed patting Maxx's head.


Tyler was the only one left now, as him and Josh both stayed in the car outside his house. Tyler really didn't want to go, but seeing it was at his stop hr knew he had to. He reached for the door handle. "Tyler wait."
He quickly turned his attention towards Josh, "Yes?"
"U-um nevermind I'll see you later."
"Okay...." Tyler hoped out running to his warm house quick warming up, stil curious on what Josh was trying to say. Well tomorrow as Saterday still almost five days toll Christmas.

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