Chapter 19.

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"What do you mean you can't tell me!?" Josh yelled as the smaller boy protested.

"It's not my place to tell; I told you that."

He sighed, knowing Ryan was right. Also knowing he wasn't going to tell him no matter how much he begged. Ryan was a good and loyal friend. He knew how to keep secrets, unlike some people.

"I do think you should see him though, he's scared and needs someone there for him. Even if he thinks he doesn't want anyone."

"You're right," He got up from the place he was sitting. "I'll see you later Ryan, thank you."

"No problem, and Josh?"


"I'm always right."

Josh smiled a little before walking to his boyfriend's house; if he could even call him that. He knocked on the door once. No answer. Twice? No answer. Three times? No answer. "Tyler I know you're in there." 

No answer.

He sighed sitting down on the steps, resting his head in his palms. It stayed silent for minutes maybe even hours.
Josh wouldn't have been able to tell; he fell asleep. He was gently awoken by a young girl, maybe twelve or older.

"Josh? What  are you doing here?"

"Oh, hey Maddy. I was trying to get ahold of Tyler but I guess he doesn't want to talk."

"He's been really weird lately, to all of us. Mom's really worried that he's going back to his old habits."

"Old habits? Nevermind I catch your drift."   

"Yeah, you can come inside. I can't promise he will talk to you but he might." She stepped aside allowing Josh to step in.

He took the inside in trying to find Tyler. It didn't seem like he was in any of the main rooms, so he went upstairs. Knocking on the door he waited for a response and when he didn't get one he walked in.

Tyler was hurtled in the corner, a fort on blankets billet up around him.

"Tyler?" He flinched at his own name.

Josh sat next to him, not to close but close enough. "Please talk to me."

"I can't.."

"Why can't you?"

"I just can't. I don't want you to get hurt"

"No one's going to hurt me."

"You don't know that.."

"You're right I don't but I'm willing to take that risk for you. Please just talk to me. I told you I was always going to be here and I meant that. I really meant that" His eyes started to water. "Please, please just talk to me."

Tyler started to cry, hugging his knees to his chest. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.  I didn't mean to push you away I really didn't I just couldn't process the fact that you might get hurt. I also guess I was being selfish. I didn't want anyone to ask me if I was okay because I wasn't ready to answer that. I'm still not ready to answer it I just can't stand hurting the people I love anymore.."   For the first time in a while, Tyler hugged Josh crying even harder when the other hugged him back.

"You have absolutely no reason to be sorry. I'm just really glad I got to see you."

He nodded in agreement feeling safe for once in the past couple of weeks. 

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