Chapter 10

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  Tyler's mood swings have gotten worse, one minute he's happy, the next he's crying into his pillow. It was now 1 day till Christmas, he should have felt happy, Christmas time always made him feel happy, but he felt sad. Really sad, cried for no reason sad, it made him hate everyone, even people he loved dearly...His mom seemed to over worry always checking in on him thinking he was going to do something stupid again. Zack was trying to be there but evedently losing, Madison was well Madison and Jay was to young to understand anything. Josh noticed a change in Tyler too, he seemed more distance, got angry a lot, didn't  sleep, didn't eat and seemed to only use the words, ya, sure, and I don't care. Which are his words to indicate that he's upset. His sentences where short, he didn't want to hang out with anyone anymore. He was just alone and out casted. The group didn't understand it, but Josh blamed himself. At first Josh saw Tyler as this shy boy, never new how bad he really was, and still sometimes tryed not to think about it.
Tyler, as he saw was his best freind. He out of all people should know what is going on in his brain, but he never took the time to ask. And for that he felt awful.

Hey Ty.
Josh texted quickly going his freind would reply.
Josh sighed,
Tyler I can see that you read these
Please talk to me
Tyler please....

Josh I'm sorry, I don't think I can't ever be happy with myself. I hate the fact that I can't ever feel happy, when I think I grasped the consept of being happy it's twisted and turned into something else. It was amazing being your freind...goodbye Josh.

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