Chapter 24.

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Tyler woke up to a phone call from Josh saying he was going to be at his house to pick him up in twenty minutes for "school". He sat up looking at the clock and questioned why they were leaving at 6:30 instead of seven. And why they weren't going to take the bus like they normally would. Then the events of last night hit him. They weren't going to school at all. Josh was dropping Tyler off at Ryan's to get him ready for the dance and Josh was doing the same treatment for Brendon. He sighed thinking about how much trouble he was going to be in and if this was even worth it. He decided to chuck his thoughts away and put on a smile.

He got dressed quickly, grabbing his wallet and saying his usual morning greeting to his family than ran out the door. Josh was waiting in the same car where they shared many memories together. He hopped in and Josh drove to the eldest boys house. After the couple parted ways  Tyler rang the door being greeted by a sleepy Ryan.

"Sorry I don't want your girl scout cookies," Ryan mumbled.

"Well good cause I don't have any."

"Oh hey, Tyler! Forgot you were even coming today. I stayed up all night watching trash tv."

"Sounds like a blast." Tyler agreed while he stepped into his friend's house.

"So where do we even begin,"


This was it. The moment they've been waiting for. Tyler stared at himself in the mirror. His fluffy hair untamed, a black suit and red tie with black dress shoes and a smile were shown for his dance attire.

Ryan, on the other hand, refused to wear a suit but did wear a blue button-down with black dress plans and dress shoes.

"You ready to go?" Ryan asked already heading out the door.

"I am," Tyler stated.

The drive was painfully long for Tyler since he didn't know how to keep a surprise but had done well this time. 

Once the car parked in the school driveway Tyler felt the weight of a secret get lifted off of his shoulders as he lead Ryan to the entrance.
The place was already crowded with sweaty teenagers and plastic cups. He knew their mission was a success when he heard the gasp of his friend. Ryans eyes lot up like a box of matches as he raced toward his best friend. His long lengthy arms wrapped around the shorter boy as laughed breathlessly. Josh yelled a happy birthday and made his way to Tyler.

"Why don't you look amazing." Josh gushed making Tyler go pink.

"You don't look too bad yourself."

Josh took his hand, guiding him through the first of many slow songs of that night. "You want to know something?"

Tyler tilted his head meaning for the other to go on.

"I love you."

He smiled and everyone in that gym melted away. "I love you too."  He hesitated for a moment before placing his lips upon the other, tilting his head slightly before letting go. "Josh?"


"Promise me something, promise me no matter what happens we will always have this."

"I promise."

They both smiled and laid their eyes on their other two friends who were sharing the same heart filled moments they had just had.

"That's gay." Josh laughed.

"You're gay." Tyler playfully shoved him.

Josh placed a kiss on his forehead, "You could say that."

The end.

Promise me something (a joshler fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now